Front page of Study Times: Speeding up the establishment of a fault-tolerant and error-correcting mechanism to promote the standardized and healthy development of the platform economy.

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2024.01.03 02:07
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Regulatory actions and policy adjustments should fully listen to the opinions of all parties, especially the opinions of administrative counterparts, in order to avoid impacting and interrupting the normal business activities of platform enterprises and prevent unexpected risks caused by policy overlaps.

The front-page article of the Study Times pointed out that the platform economy is an important part of China's digital economy and a crucial carrier for the operation of the economy and the development of industrial innovation. The significance of the regulated and healthy development of the platform economy has surpassed the industry itself and plays an important role in improving resource allocation efficiency, promoting collaborative innovation, and facilitating industrial upgrading.

China is one of the most active countries in the world in terms of innovative development of the platform economy. The development of the platform economy has tremendous potential and favorable conditions. However, in the complex and severe domestic and international background, issues such as weak original innovation capabilities, single development momentum, shrinking innovation ecology, limited internationalization, and insufficient regulatory flexibility have become increasingly prominent. The competitiveness, growth potential, and international leading level of domestic platform enterprises are facing the risk of gradually widening gaps and challenges. Currently, it is necessary to accelerate the establishment of a fault-tolerant and error-correcting mechanism to promote the healthy development of the platform economy, under the premise of improving the government's coordination of development and regulation, innovation and security, and to form a self-regulatory mechanism that adapts to the dynamic development of the platform economy, gradually eliminating the problems of inadequate regulation and overly strict regulation, in order to unleash the growth space of platform enterprises, promote China's digital economy to create international leading advantages, and stay at the forefront of the times.

It is necessary to establish and improve government-inclusive and prudent investment and regulatory rules, and encourage various types of entities to actively participate in the development of the platform economy. The purpose of the government's implementation of platform economy regulation is to guide its healthy and orderly development, and to create a favorable environment for the market to play a decisive role in resource allocation. First, implement the "traffic light" system for investment, implement the negative list system for market access and the management system of pre-establishment national treatment plus negative list for foreign investment access, clean up and regulate administrative licenses, qualifications, and other matters that restrict the healthy development of the platform economy, ensure that all types of entities can enter the platform economy field on an equal basis in accordance with the law, and give innovative enterprises the opportunity to try first, as long as they do not violate laws and regulations, relevant entities should be allowed to enter. Second, formulate regulatory rules and standards in different fields, leave enough room for the innovative development of the platform economy under the premise of adhering to the safety bottom line, and use law enforcement measures such as administrative penalties and suspension of business operations cautiously; for emerging formats in the incubation period, explore "sandbox regulation" and trigger-based regulation; for relatively mature formats, encourage platform enterprises to jointly formulate industry standards and achieve industry self-regulation. Third, strengthen departmental coordination, enhance policy linkage and coordination, and avoid duplicate law enforcement and inspections. Regulatory actions and policy adjustments should fully listen to the opinions of all parties, especially the opinions of administrative counterparts, to avoid affecting and interrupting the normal business activities of platform enterprises and prevent unexpected risks caused by policy overlaps. Fourth, innovate regulatory methods, implement simplified and intelligent regulation in accordance with the requirements of the "streamlining administration, delegating powers, and improving regulation and services" reform, "enter only one door and run at most once", and build a more predictable and stable system for platform enterprises.

The purpose of the government's implementation of platform economy regulation is to guide its healthy and orderly development, and to create a favorable environment for the market to play a decisive role in resource allocation. Regulatory actions and policy adjustments should fully listen to the opinions of all parties, especially the opinions of administrative counterparts, to avoid affecting and interrupting the normal business activities of platform enterprises and prevent unexpected risks caused by policy overlaps. The platform economy has emerged in the tide of era development. To better leverage the position and role of the platform economy in overall development, it is necessary to establish and improve fault-tolerant and error-correcting mechanisms to promote the regulated and healthy development of the platform economy. By building a governance model that involves collaboration among the government, enterprises, and society, clarifying the responsibilities and obligations of each party, and improving industry self-discipline mechanisms, we can promote the platform economy to better serve and integrate into the new development landscape, and unleash new driving forces for high-quality development.

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