OpenAI's New Year's blockbuster! GPT Store is now live, and new products for enterprise customers are also available.

2024.01.10 19:24
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OpenAI has launched new products and services: GPT Store and ChatGPT Team. This highlights OpenAI's relentless efforts to maintain its leading position against competitors such as Anthropic, Alphabet-C, Meta, and others. If successful, this will mark a new era in which artificial intelligence technology becomes more accessible, useful, and profitable.

On Wednesday, OpenAI launched two new products and services: OpenAI Store and OpenAI Team.

OpenAI Store, also known as OpenAIs, is like the Apple App Store in the field of large models. It is a heavyweight product released by OpenAI at last year's inaugural developer conference. Users can operate it visually without any code. OpenAI Store allows users to list personalized chatbots they have built for others to download. In simpler terms, it allows users to share the custom OpenAI assistants they have developed and earn money when others use this product and pay for it.

OpenAI Store aims to promote OpenAI and categorize its content, making it easier for users to find what they are looking for or even discover content they didn't know they wanted. OpenAI Store includes a community leaderboard based on download popularity, where the more people use a product, the higher its ranking. Users can also search by category, such as writing, lifestyle, education, and more.

Any OpenAI Plus subscriber who pays $20 per month can use OpenAI Store. Even without programming expertise, subscribers can create their own OpenAI. As previously introduced by the Wall Street Journal website, many people, including researchers, teachers, and product managers, are suitable for customizing OpenAI assistants and stores. In fact, as long as you have creativity and high-quality data, it is not an exaggeration to say that everything can be customized with OpenAI.

OpenAI stated that so far, its community members have built 3 million OpenAI models, and a series of them have been approved for download in the OpenAI Store. The income plan for OpenAI builders will be launched soon, and fees will be paid to OpenAI builders in the United States based on the user engagement of the tools they have built. OpenAI will provide detailed information on payment standards in the future.

OpenAI Team is a new product for enterprise customers with fewer than 150 users. Each user pays $25 per month for annual payment or $30 per month for monthly payment. It includes a shared workspace and allows teams to build their own OpenAI.

In August of last year, OpenAI announced the launch of OpenAI Enterprise, with over 20 companies participating in the testing. OpenAI Enterprise provides enterprise-level security and data privacy protection, unlimited access to OpenAI-4 with 32K context input, and advanced data analysis capabilities. All advanced features, including custom options, performance up to twice as fast as previous versions, and API credits.

The pricing for OpenAI Enterprise Edition will not be publicly disclosed and will vary depending on the company.

Both the OpenAI Team and OpenAI Store are new revenue drivers for OpenAI and have been in internal development for some time. The original plan was to launch the OpenAI Store in December of last year, but due to Altman's brief resignation and the board reshuffle, the overall development progress of the OpenAI Store was disrupted and was put on hold for a while.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman stated in November of last year that the real business OpenAI is engaged in is selling intelligence. Over time, intelligent agents will become the real trend.

OpenAI is one of the hottest companies in the current technology field. According to OpenAI, as of November of last year, the weekly active user count for OpenAI was approximately 100 million, with over 92% of Fortune 500 companies using the platform.

Analysts believe that OpenAI's announcement highlights its efforts to rapidly develop products in order to maintain its advantage over competitors such as Anthropic, Google, and Meta in the field of artificial intelligence. If successful, the OpenAI Store will mark a new milestone, making AI technology more accessible, useful, and profitable.