The latest statement from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on car consumption, artificial intelligence, low-altitude economy, commercial aerospace... has arrived!

2024.10.23 08:58
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stated at a press conference that it will take multiple measures to expand automobile consumption, optimize automobile production access policies, and cultivate emerging industries such as low-altitude economy, commercial aerospace, and biomanufacturing. Faced with insufficient domestic demand and export uncertainties, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will strengthen industry guidance, prevent vicious competition, promote research and development as well as industrialization in key technological areas, and facilitate technological innovation and green development

On the afternoon of October 23, the State Council Information Office held a press conference. Zhao Zhiguo, the spokesperson and chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Tao Qing, the spokesperson and director of the Operations Monitoring and Coordination Bureau, introduced the development of the industrial and information sectors in the first three quarters of 2024 and answered questions from reporters.

Zhao Zhiguo stated at the press conference that the automotive industry still faces challenges such as insufficient domestic effective demand and increasing uncertainties in overseas exports. The next step will be to take multiple measures to expand automobile consumption and optimize the management policies for automobile production access. At the same time, new industries and new tracks such as low-altitude economy, commercial aerospace, and biomanufacturing will be nurtured and developed. Regarding how to stabilize industrial growth, Zhao Zhiguo mentioned that in terms of optimizing the development environment, industry guidance will be strengthened, standards and quality leadership will be enhanced, industry self-discipline will be strengthened, and efforts will be made to actively prevent "zero-sum" vicious competition.

Tao Qing stated that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will continue to promote research and development innovation and industrialization in key technology areas such as integrated circuits, industrial software, artificial intelligence, and satellite internet, and cultivate emerging industries and future industries. A national unified and inter-provincial linkage unicorn enterprise cultivation system will be established to create a group of digital economy enterprises with strong capabilities, vitality, great potential, and strong competitiveness. He also pointed out that more financial resources will be guided towards promoting technological innovation, advanced manufacturing, green development, and small and medium-sized enterprises.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Strengthen industry guidance and actively prevent "zero-sum" vicious competition. Regarding how to stabilize industrial growth, Zhao Zhiguo stated that in terms of optimizing the development environment, industry guidance will be strengthened, standards and quality leadership will be enhanced, industry self-discipline will be strengthened, and efforts will be made to actively prevent "zero-sum" vicious competition.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Nurturing and developing new industries and new tracks such as low-altitude economy, commercial aerospace, and biomanufacturing. Zhao Zhiguo stated at the press conference that in terms of enhancing development momentum, major technological upgrades and large-scale equipment renewal projects in the manufacturing industry will be deeply implemented, and the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry will be promoted. Accelerating key industrial chain high-quality development actions, national major science and technology projects, and national key research and development plans to achieve more landmark results. Researching and formulating policy measures to enhance industrial technological innovation capabilities, promoting deep integration of technological innovation and industrial innovation. Nurturing and developing new industries and new tracks such as low-altitude economy, commercial aerospace, and biomanufacturing.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Taking multiple measures to expand automobile consumption and optimize the management policies for automobile production access. Zhao Zhiguo stated that the next step will be to take multiple measures to expand automobile consumption. Implementing policies to promote consumption such as trading in old cars for new ones, tax incentives for vehicle purchases, and vehicle and vessel taxes, continuing to carry out activities to promote new energy vehicles in rural areas, initiating a pilot project for comprehensive electrification of public sector vehicles, researching and formulating guidance on new energy vehicle battery exchange models, and actively expanding automobile consumption. Optimizing the management policies for automobile production access. Promoting the introduction of the "Regulations on the Management of Motor Vehicle Production Access," improving the dynamic management mechanism of "entry and exit," implementing self-inspection for road motor vehicle product access, further stimulating the vitality of operators. Exploring group management by enterprises, supporting enterprises in improving quality and efficiency, becoming stronger and better, guiding enterprises to focus on the long term, strengthening technological upgrades, product iteration, and model innovation, continuously enhancing core competitiveness, and creating a good industrial development ecosystem Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Accelerate the release of the domestic market, actively explore the international market, and continue to strengthen the Chinese consumer electronics industry. Zhao Zhiguo stated that the next step will be to combine the policy of replacing old products with new ones for consumer goods, implement the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the High-Quality Development of the Audiovisual Electronics Industry" and the "Action Plan for the Development of the Smart Health and Elderly Care Industry (2021-2025)", and accelerate the release of the domestic market, actively explore the international market, and continue to strengthen and expand the Chinese consumer electronics industry. At the same time, we will continue to support domestic excellent consumer electronics companies in research and development innovation, guide upstream and downstream companies in the industry chain to strengthen their supporting capabilities for emerging hot technologies, and continuously improve the level of product supply.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Currently, China's total computing power has reached 246 EFLOPS, and the 20ms latency guarantee capability between national hubs has been fully realized. Zhao Zhiguo stated that currently, China's total computing power has reached 246 EFLOPS, and the 20ms latency guarantee capability between national hubs has been fully realized, effectively supporting the allocation of computing resources and the circulation of data elements. Improve the construction of China's computing power platform and computing power interconnection public service platform, continuously strengthen the quality of computing power network and operation safety monitoring. New technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and quantum information are flourishing, with nearly 200 large models of generative artificial intelligence services that have completed filing and gone online to serve the public, with registered users exceeding 600 million.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Build a group of strong, dynamic, potential-rich, and competitive digital economy enterprises. Tao Qing stated that in the next step, our ministry will continue to promote research and development innovation and industrialization in key technology areas such as integrated circuits, industrial software, artificial intelligence, and satellite internet, and cultivate and develop emerging industries and future industries. Accelerate the cultivation of industry-leading ecological enterprises, improve the full-cycle cultivation system of "selection, seedling, and cultivation" for specialized, refined, new, and small and medium-sized enterprises, establish a national unified and department-province linkage system for cultivating unicorn enterprises, and build a group of strong, dynamic, potential-rich, and competitive digital economy enterprises.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Guide more financial resources to promote technological innovation, advanced manufacturing, green development, and small, medium, and micro enterprises. Tao Qing stated that we will promptly formulate and issue policy documents to support the new industrialization with financial support. Focus on the key directions and areas of the new industrialization, increase support for technology finance, digital finance, cross-border finance, policy finance, and other areas, guide more financial resources to promote technological innovation, advanced manufacturing, green development, and small, medium, and micro enterprises. Give full play to the "green channel" mechanism for technology-based enterprises' IPO financing, mergers and acquisitions, and bond issuance, guide social capital to provide multi-channel and sustainable funding guarantees for key areas and critical links. Jointly with relevant departments, build the third batch of regional equity markets' "specialized, refined, new" special board as soon as possible.

  • Shou Xiaoli, Director of the Information Office of the State Council and Spokesperson: Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon! Welcome to the press conference of the Information Office of the State Council. Today, we have invited Mr. Zhao Zhiguo, spokesperson and chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Ms. Tao Qing, spokesperson and director of the Operation Monitoring and Coordination Bureau, to introduce the development of industry and information technology in the first three quarters of 2024 and answer questions of concern Next, we would like to invite Mr. Zhao Zhiguo to give an introduction.

  • Zhao Zhiguo, Spokesperson and Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, hello everyone! Thank you for your continuous care and support for the industry and information technology. Let me first introduce to you the relevant situation of industrial and information development in the first three quarters of this year.

Overall, the industrial and information economy operated steadily in the first three quarters, with the industrial structure continuously optimizing, new quality productivity accelerating, key areas of innovation achieving new results, and high-quality development solidly advancing. There are five main characteristics.

First, the industrial economy grew steadily. Industrial production remained stable, with the value added of industries above a designated size increasing by 5.8% year-on-year in the first three quarters, playing a crucial role in macroeconomic growth with a contribution rate close to 40%. The growth rates of 31 provinces (regions, cities) and 41 major industrial sectors all exceeded 90%. The equipment manufacturing industry and high-tech manufacturing industry grew rapidly, with their value added accounting for a higher proportion of the total value added of industries above a designated size compared to the previous year. Industrial investment has maintained double-digit growth for 8 consecutive months.

Second, the pace of transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry has accelerated. The implementation of the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry has been deepened, with 421 national-level intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories cultivated, over ten thousand provincial-level intelligent factories established, 13 Chinese companies newly selected as global "lighthouse factories", and the total number of Chinese "lighthouse factories" reaching 72, accounting for 42% globally. The pilot cities for the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises have been solidly promoted, with nearly ten thousand small and medium-sized enterprises undergoing digital transformation. The industrial energy conservation and carbon reduction actions have been further implemented, vigorously developing the clean and low-carbon hydrogen industry and environmental protection equipment manufacturing industry, with the energy consumption of industrial enterprises above a designated size continuously decreasing.

Third, a number of major innovation achievements continue to emerge. An 18-megawatt offshore wind turbine has successfully connected to the grid for power generation, the domestically-produced MARK III thin-film large LNG ship has completed its trial voyage, the C919 large passenger aircraft has been put into simultaneous operation by three major domestic airlines, a 1000-kilowatt level turbofan engine has obtained the type certificate from the Civil Aviation Administration of China, and a 300-megawatt class F-class heavy-duty gas turbine has successfully ignited. We have also issued and implemented opinions on the innovative development of pilot manufacturing, guidelines for the construction of new material pilot platforms (2024-2027), newly approved the establishment of 2 national and local joint manufacturing innovation centers for humanoid robots and embodied intelligent robots, and established the first national excellent engineer practice base in Hangzhou, providing strong support for the integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation.

Fourth, the development of main business entities is steadily growing. By the end of August, the number of industrial enterprises above a designated size reached 504,000, an increase of 4.4% compared to the end of 2023. A total of 1557 manufacturing single champion enterprises, over 140,000 specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises, 14,600 specialized and new "little giant" enterprises, and 463,000 high-tech enterprises with valid qualifications have been cultivated. In the first 8 months, the operating income profit margin of specialized and new "little giant" enterprises above a designated size reached 7.5%, higher than the average level of industrial enterprises above a designated size Fifth, the enabling role of information and communication continues to be highlighted. In the first three quarters, the total volume of telecommunications services increased by 10.7% year-on-year. Vigorously promoting the coordinated development of new information infrastructure such as networks, computing power, and artificial intelligence, as of the end of September, a total of 4.089 million 5G base stations have been built, with a 5G user penetration rate of 69.6%, and 196 million households with gigabit broadband, achieving gigabit coverage in every county, 5G coverage in every township, and broadband coverage in every village. Continuing to deepen the empowerment of integrated applications, 5G industry applications have been integrated into 76 major categories of the national economy, deeply integrating key areas such as industry and healthcare, with over 15,000 "5G + Industrial Internet" projects.

At the same time, it is also important to note that the risks and challenges brought about by changes in the external environment have significantly increased. Some enterprises are facing difficulties in production and operation. However, the fundamental positive aspects of China's economic development remain unchanged. China's industrial system is complete, with a complete industrial chain and a global competitive advantage in comprehensive manufacturing costs. The positive factors driving upward momentum are accumulating. Especially with the recent introduction and implementation of a package of incremental policies, it will continue to unleash the power of industrial upgrading, the potential of consumer spending, and the vitality of market entities. We are confident in achieving the annual targets and making contributions to promoting economic recovery and improvement. That's all for the update. Next, my colleagues and I are willing to answer your questions. Thank you.

  • Shou Xiaoli: Let's start with the questions.

  • CCTV reporter from CCTV Central Radio and Television Station: Statistics show that China's industrial production achieved stable growth in the first three quarters. I would like to ask, how do you evaluate the development of the industrial economy in the first three quarters? How will you focus on stabilizing industrial growth? Thank you.

  • Zhao Zhiguo: I will answer this question, thank you for your question. We will work together with various regions and departments to take proactive actions and work towards the same goal, accelerating the advancement of new industrialization to promote the stable operation of the industrial economy in the first three quarters. Specifically, there are three main characteristics.

First, industrial production is steadily growing. We actively promote the implementation of policies that have been introduced. In the first three quarters, the value added of large-scale industries increased by 5.8% year-on-year, accounting for 31.8% of the GDP. Second, key industries and regions have made significant contributions. We have implemented in-depth work plans to stabilize growth in the top ten key industries, leveraging the key support role of major industrial provinces and cities. The contributions of the electronics, non-ferrous metals, chemicals, and automotive industries to industrial production growth are close to half, with 9 major industrial provinces achieving growth rates higher than the national average, and industrial cities such as Zhengzhou, Shaoxing, Wenzhou, and Hefei achieving double-digit growth. Third, the accumulation of development momentum continues. We actively promote equipment upgrades and technological transformations in the industrial sector, facilitating the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productivity. Investment in the purchase of equipment and tools increased by 16.4% year-on-year. Products with high technological content and added value, such as artificial intelligence chips and servers, have seen rapid growth in production.

Next, we will thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, focusing on accelerating the key task of advancing new industrialization, and putting more effort into stabilizing growth, expanding demand, increasing momentum, and improving the environment In terms of stabilizing the industrial foundation, we will deepen the implementation of the work plan for stabilizing growth in the ten key industries. We will support industrial provinces and cities in consolidating their advantages and taking on major responsibilities. At the same time, we will assist the northeastern and central-western provinces in organizing industrial transfer and development activities, enhancing their capacity to undertake industrial transfers, and promoting regional coordinated development.

In terms of expanding effective demand, we will promote the construction of major projects in the "14th Five-Year Plan" to accelerate the formation of physical work volume. We will increase the promotion of smart home appliances and consumer electronics, coordinate with various regions to accelerate the implementation of policies such as replacing old cars and electric bicycles, continue to implement activities related to new energy vehicles going to rural areas, and fully stimulate market potential.

In terms of enhancing development momentum, we will thoroughly implement major technological upgrades and large-scale equipment renewal projects in the manufacturing industry, and promote the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry. We will accelerate the high-quality development of key industrial chains, national major science and technology projects, and national key research and development plans to achieve more landmark results. We will research and formulate policy measures to enhance industrial technological innovation capabilities, promote the deep integration of technological innovation and industrial innovation, and cultivate and strengthen new industries and new tracks such as low-altitude economy, commercial aerospace, and bio-manufacturing.

In terms of optimizing the development environment, we will continue to reduce enterprise costs and carry out a series of special actions to serve small and medium-sized enterprises. We will strengthen industry guidance, enhance standard quality leadership, strengthen industry self-discipline, and actively prevent vicious competition. We will continuously improve the mechanism for regular communication and exchange with enterprises, coordinate and address issues and demands, and strengthen the confidence of enterprise development. Thank you.

  • Reporter from Cover News: How is the development of the automotive industry in the first three quarters of this year? How does the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology view the development prospects of China's automotive industry? What measures are being taken to promote high-quality development of the industry? Thank you.

  • Zhao Zhiguo: Thank you for the question. Under the strong leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, various departments have worked together closely, and industry enterprises have actively responded and taken positive actions. The overall operation of China's automotive industry in the first three quarters has been good. Looking at the overall automotive industry, it has maintained steady growth, with the value added of the automotive industry increasing by 7.9% year-on-year in the first three quarters, and production and sales reaching 21.47 million and 21.571 million vehicles respectively, with year-on-year increases of 1.9% and 2.4% respectively. The total export of complete vehicles reached 4.312 million vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 27.3%. From January to August, the operating income and total profits of the automotive industry increased by 3.2% and 3% year-on-year respectively. Looking at the new energy vehicle industry, the development trend is positive, with sales of new energy vehicles reaching 8.316 million vehicles and 8.32 million vehicles in the first three quarters, with year-on-year increases of 31.7% and 32.5% respectively. The sales of new energy passenger vehicles have exceeded 50% in the past three months, achieving a new breakthrough. The export of new energy vehicles reached 928,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 12.5%.

However, it is also important to note that the operation of the automotive industry still faces challenges such as insufficient domestic effective demand and increasing uncertainties in overseas exports. In the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, work with relevant departments to increase policy support, and promote the high-quality development of the industry

  • Phoenix TV Reporter: In the past two years, we have noticed that China's low-altitude economy has developed rapidly. What deployments and considerations does the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology have in promoting the development of the low-altitude industry? Thank you.

  • Zhao Zhiguo: Thank you for your question. This question will be answered by my colleague, Director Tao Qing.

  • Spokesperson of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Director of the Operation Monitoring and Coordination Bureau, Tao Qing: Thank you for your question. The development of the low-altitude economy is a major strategic deployment made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Low-altitude equipment and the low-altitude industry are important material carriers of the low-altitude economy. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology attaches great importance to the development of the low-altitude industry and is currently focusing on four main aspects.

The first aspect is strengthening top-level planning. This year, we jointly issued the "General Aviation Equipment Innovation Application Implementation Plan (2024-2030)" with relevant departments, and are studying measures to support the innovation of technology and equipment in the low-altitude industry.

The second aspect is enhancing traction in multiple application scenarios. We have worked with relevant departments to carry out pilot projects for the innovative application of general aviation equipment in various parts of the country. For example, in Shihezi, Xinjiang, we held a conference on the innovation and development of the low-altitude industry, promoting the establishment of an aviation transportation system that is "connected from top to bottom, branch to branch, and fully networked." In Beian, Heilongjiang, we held an on-site meeting on the innovative application of general aviation equipment, creating benchmarks for the large-scale and normalized application modes of drone agricultural spraying and forestry protection, with the goal of reducing the average operating cost of plant protection drones to less than 10 yuan per mu.

The third aspect is promoting the integration and innovation of information technology and equipment development. Currently, major information and communication enterprises in China, as well as enterprises in fields such as power batteries and motors, are actively participating in the low-altitude economy. Various innovative elements are accelerating their convergence into the low-altitude industry. Work has been carried out on low-altitude communication and perception network technology verification and application pilots based on 5G/5G-A.

The fourth aspect is to improve the industrial regulations and standards system. In order to enhance the quality of drone production, we have issued the "Regulations on the Production Management of Civil Unmanned Aerial Vehicles" and the "Interim Measures for the Radio Management of Civil Unmanned Aerial Vehicles," compiled the "Civil Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System Safety Requirements" and other national standards, established a civil unmanned aerial vehicle product information system, and continuously improved the record management of enterprises and products.

Next, we will focus on the following work: First, continue to accelerate key technological breakthroughs. Focus on key common technologies such as low-altitude equipment body technology, safety technology, operational technology, etc., systematically promote a batch of key common technology breakthroughs, and accelerate the innovation and iteration of general aviation technology and equipment. Second, continuously strengthen scenario application traction. Continue to promote pilot projects in advantageous regions, tailor low-altitude multi-scenario application demonstration systems according to local conditions, accelerate the cultivation of new low-altitude consumption formats such as low-altitude logistics, urban and intercity air transportation, low-altitude cultural tourism, expand new models such as agricultural and forestry plant protection, inspection and patrol, emergency rescue, etc. Third, deepen integrated innovation development. Actively promote the integration and innovation of new generation information communication technology, new energy technology, and low-altitude equipment such as drones, conduct research on the use of radio frequencies for low-altitude economic development, promote the construction of low-altitude information infrastructure as needed, accelerate the development of low-altitude intelligent connectivity technology and model innovation. Fourth, continuously strengthen regulatory and standard support. Continue to organize relevant regulatory publicity and training, guide unmanned aerial vehicle production and manufacturing enterprises in compliance management, promote the establishment of an industrial standard system that runs through the entire life cycle of low-altitude equipment research and development design, production and manufacturing, encourage industry organizations such as the Low-Altitude Industry Alliance to strengthen enterprise supply and demand docking, technology exchange, standard coordination, and jointly build a good industrial ecosystem. Thank you!

  • 21st Century Business Herald Reporter: Since the beginning of this year, the information and communication industry has maintained a steady and rapid growth momentum. Could you please introduce the specific achievements? What are the key arrangements for accelerating the development of the information and communication industry in the future? Thank you.

  • Zhao Zhiguo: I will answer this question, thank you for your question. Since the beginning of this year, China's information and communication industry has maintained steady growth overall, achieving a series of new results in high-quality development.

First, emerging telecommunications businesses have maintained high-speed growth. As of the end of September, the total volume of telecommunications services increased by 10.7% year-on-year, and internet companies above designated size completed internet business revenue of 1.17 trillion yuan from January to August. Emerging businesses such as internet data centers, big data, cloud computing have become important growth drivers for the development of the information and communication industry. In the first three quarters, China's revenue from emerging telecommunications businesses reached 325.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.4%, continuing the trend of rapid growth and injecting new momentum into the industry's development. We are orderly promoting the opening of value-added telecommunications services to the outside world. As you may have noticed, this morning, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, together with relevant departments, held a symposium and issued approval documents for pilot areas in Beijing, Shanghai, Hainan, and Shenzhen, officially launching the pilot work to expand the opening of value-added telecommunications services to the outside world. We also welcome foreign investment in telecommunications business in China.

Second, the continuous optimization of network infrastructure capabilities. This year, our ministry has adhered to the principle of moderate advancement, issued a series of policies such as the 5G Lightweight (RedCap) Penetration Action and promoted the coordinated development of new information infrastructure. The total number of 5G base stations built and opened has reached 4.089 million, and the number of 10G PON ports capable of providing gigabit network services has reached 27.32 million New international communication service import and export bureaus have been established in Nanning, Qingdao, Kunming, Haikou, and other 4 cities, further improving the national network service quality. At the same time, we are carrying out a special action called "Signal Upgrade" to enhance signal quality, optimize user perception, and accelerate the deep coverage of 4G and 5G mobile networks in key scenarios such as cultural and tourism attractions, medical institutions, and higher education institutions.

Thirdly, the comprehensive strength of the industry is steadily increasing. The international competitiveness of information and communication enterprises has greatly enhanced, with China Mobile, China Telecom, and China Unicom entering the top 10 global operator revenue rankings. 24 platform companies have a valuation exceeding USD 10 billion, and 8 listed companies are among the top 30 global Internet company market values. The communication equipment manufacturing industry continues to improve, with 220 million mobile phones shipped in the domestic market from January to September, a year-on-year increase of 9.9%. Key technologies are advancing rapidly, with over 15,000 applications and services available on the HarmonyOS NEXT operating system.

Fourthly, the promotion of inclusive livelihood services is advancing. Through actions such as universal telecommunication services and "Broadband Frontier", more rural and remote residents can access and use networks effectively. Broadband coverage has been achieved in every village, with over 300 million rural netizens. Meanwhile, we are addressing urgent issues faced by the people through practical measures, accelerating the construction of APP detection and certification public service platforms, and standardizing industry service behaviors. Over 200,000 "Silver Age Digital Classrooms" have been held, providing training activities for the elderly on using smart devices, online payments, and preventing fraud, enabling more people to share the digital dividend.

Next, our department will adhere to the overall promotion of "construction, utilization, and research", continuously improve and strengthen the information and communication industry, and provide strong support for building a manufacturing power, a network power, and a digital China. Firstly, promote the evolution and upgrade of network facilities, quickly introduce policies for the development of "Dual Gigabit" (5G and Gigabit optical network), carry out pilot deployments of 10 Gigabit optical networks, and continue the actions of "Broadband Frontier" and "Signal Upgrade". Secondly, accelerate the research and development of key core technologies, continuously promote the evolution of 5G (5G-A), non-terrestrial networks (NTN), and other technological developments and product research, and proactively layout in the fields of 6G, artificial intelligence, quantum information, and other technological innovations. Thirdly, promote deep integration with the real economy. Introduce policies for the large-scale application of 5G, high-quality development of industrial Internet, etc., continue to build high-level 5G factories, and carry out pilot construction of "5G + Industrial Internet" integration application leading areas. Fourthly, coordinate development and security. Thoroughly implement policies such as the implementation plan for enhancing data security capabilities and data security risk assessments, continuously enhance the security guarantee capabilities of information infrastructure. Fifthly, expand high-level opening up of the telecommunications industry. Encourage foreign-funded enterprises to carry out Internet data centers (IDC), Internet access services (ISP), and other businesses in pilot areas. Manage and serve foreign-funded pilot enterprises well, protect investment rights in accordance with the law, and promote a new stage of opening up of China's telecommunications industry. Thank you.

  • Xinhua News Agency Xinhua Finance Journalist: With the accelerated development of the digital economy, social production and life are increasingly inseparable from the support of the information and communication technology industry. Could you please introduce the situation of the popularization and application of new generation information technology and what practical measures will be taken in the future? Thank you.

  • Tao Qing: Thank you for your question. Since the beginning of this year, my department has accelerated the popularization and application of new generation information technology, integrating into industries such as manufacturing, mining, electricity, and healthcare to empower economic and social development.

First, the transformation of the manufacturing industry is deepening. Centered around "intelligent transformation, digitalization, networking, and interconnection," we are promoting the integration and development of industrial internet with key industrial chains. We have successively released a series of integration application guidelines for key industries such as steel, electronics, and construction machinery, creating 40 typical scenarios in 15 aspects including product design, planning and scheduling, and quality control. Currently, 5G industrial applications cover 76 major categories of the national economy, indirectly driving a total output of approximately RMB 14 trillion.

Second, information consumption is becoming more active. Information consumption scenarios are becoming increasingly diverse. We have collected "digital three products" application scenario cases for industries such as smart homes, textiles, clothing, and specialty foods, nurturing new models and scenarios such as flexible manufacturing and digital marketing based on consumer data, accelerating the digitalization of consumer goods. The supply of information products has greatly increased, with AI smartphones, smart home devices, and other smart terminals rapidly meeting user demands. Data from August showed a 20.1% year-on-year growth in service robot production.

Third, public products are becoming smarter. Technologies such as artificial intelligence and 5G have been widely applied, resulting in 135 outstanding cases of new digital services covering transportation, culture and tourism, elderly care, healthcare, and emergency response fields. For example, in healthcare, nearly a thousand "5G + healthcare" pilot projects have been implemented, reducing misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis, and improving diagnostic accuracy through remote intelligent diagnosis and AI-assisted diagnosis. In the field of culture and tourism, during the National Day holiday, technologies such as cloud computing, big data, and geographic information systems have accelerated empowerment, leading to the emergence of new scenarios such as smart guidance, smart parking, and all-weather emergency services, accurately meeting the personalized needs of tourists.

Next, my department will seize the significant opportunities for innovation in the integration and application of new generation information technology, focusing on strengthening the following four aspects. First, strengthen industries by continuously promoting research and development innovation and industrialization in key technology areas such as integrated circuits, industrial software, artificial intelligence, and satellite internet, cultivating and developing emerging industries and future industries. Second, strengthen entities by accelerating the cultivation of industry-leading ecological enterprises, improving the full-cycle cultivation system for specialized and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, establishing a national unified and department-province coordinated system for nurturing unicorn enterprises, and creating a group of digitally strong, dynamic, potential-rich, and competitive digital economy enterprises. Third, strengthen applications by issuing guidelines for the high-quality development of industrial internet, implementing the digital transformation of manufacturing industry, promoting smart manufacturing reference guidelines, and advancing the empowerment of information technology for new industrialization development. Fourth, strengthen the ecosystem by improving the system to promote deep integration of the real economy and digital economy, conducting collaborative research on industrial chain, cultivating a batch of competitive supply enterprises and product solutions, and building industrial ecosystem competitive advantages. Thank you!

  • Southern Daily Southern + Journalist: Since the beginning of this year, what progress has China made in industrial green development and energy conservation and carbon reduction? What are the key tasks planned for the next step? Thank you.

  • Tao Qing: Thank you for your question. Green and low-carbon are the ecological foundation of new industrialization. Our ministry firmly establishes and practices the concept that "green mountains and clear waters are golden mountains and silver mountains." Since the beginning of this year, we have continuously strengthened policy supply, jointly with relevant departments, issued the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Green Development of the Manufacturing Industry," strengthened the cultivation of green factories and the promotion and application of energy-saving and carbon-reducing technologies in the industry, vigorously developed green productivity, and forged industrial green competitive advantages. With the joint efforts of all parties, positive progress has been made in the development of green and low-carbon industries, and industrial energy conservation and carbon reduction have been continuously promoted. This year, 50 national green data centers have been newly cultivated, with an average utilization rate of renewable energy exceeding 50%. Resource utilization efficiency continues to improve, with industrial solid waste comprehensive utilization reaching about 1.7 billion tons in the first three quarters, and the reuse rate of industrial water for large-scale enterprises is expected to exceed 94% for the whole year. The momentum of green development is accelerating. Currently, the output value of national green factories accounts for over 18% of the total output value of the manufacturing industry. It is estimated that the total output value of the environmental protection equipment manufacturing industry will be close to one trillion yuan for the whole year, and the global market share of new green ship orders received from January to September accounts for 75.9%.

Next, our ministry will focus on improving the mechanism for green and low-carbon development and formulate and implement the "Action Plan for Green and Low-Carbon Development in the Manufacturing Industry" to help achieve a comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development.

First, accelerate the formulation of carbon footprint accounting standards for industrial products. Focus on key products such as steel, electrolytic aluminum, lithium batteries, and new energy vehicles, accelerate the development of a batch of carbon footprint accounting standards, promote industrial enterprises to reduce the carbon emissions of products throughout their life cycle, and promote the transformation and upgrading of industrial chains and supply chains.

Second, strengthen the construction of a comprehensive utilization system for emerging solid waste. Focus on waste power batteries, formulate and promulgate management measures for comprehensive utilization, revise and release industry normative conditions for comprehensive utilization, and accelerate the construction of a new recycling and utilization system. Focus on waste photovoltaic modules, etc., strengthen the pre-research and reserve of comprehensive utilization policies, layout comprehensive utilization capabilities in advance, and make preparations to meet the peak retirement.

Third, actively promote the application of clean and low-carbon hydrogen in the industrial field. Focus on the bottleneck constraints of clean and low-carbon hydrogen application, further promote policy integration and innovation, accelerate its large-scale application in industries such as metallurgy, chemical industry, and petrochemicals, and achieve breakthroughs in multiple scenarios in industrial green microgrids, green ships, green aviation, and other fields. Thank you.

  • Zhongwang Net Journalist: The construction of new information infrastructure represented by 5G and gigabit optical networks has become a key force for high-quality economic and social development. Could you please introduce the current progress of the construction of new information infrastructure and the next deployment work? Thank you.

  • Zhao Zhiguo: Thank you for your question, I will answer this question. Under the overall deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, our ministry has solidly promoted the development of new information infrastructure construction, forming a comprehensive development pattern of network, computing power, and new technology infrastructure. We have built the world's largest and technologically advanced basic network. Currently, a total of 207 gigabit cities have been built nationwide, achieving "gigabit access in every county"; the proportion of administrative villages covered by 5G networks has exceeded 90%, comprehensively assisting in strengthening agriculture, benefiting farmers, and enriching farmers The proportion of mobile IoT end users has reached 59.2%, and the pace of "superhuman" expansion continues to accelerate. The scale and level of computing power infrastructure rank among the top in the world. Currently, China's total computing power has reached 246 EFLOPS, and the 20ms latency guarantee capability between national hubs has been fully realized, effectively supporting the allocation of computing resources and circulation of data elements. The construction of China's computing power platform and computing power interconnection public service platform is being improved, continuously strengthening the quality of the computing power network and operational security monitoring. New technological facilities such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and quantum information are flourishing, with nearly 200 large models of generative artificial intelligence services that have completed filing and are online to serve the public, with registered users exceeding 600 million.

Next, our department will work closely with relevant departments to thoroughly implement the strategic deployment of the 3rd Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party on improving the modern infrastructure construction system, focusing on promoting the coordinated development of new information infrastructure.

First, coordinate the planning of backbone network facilities. Strengthen the planning and construction coordination of inter-provincial trunk optical cable networks, formulate medium and long-term plans for international communication facilities, accelerate the expansion of international submarine cables and land cables to reach international destinations, coordinate the planning and construction of international land cables, international railways, and international oil and gas pipelines, and build regional international information hubs relying on border provinces.

Second, optimize the layout of computing power infrastructure. Continuously promote the implementation of the "High-Quality Development Action Plan for Computing Power Infrastructure," coordinate the layout of computing resources, guide the orderly construction of computing power infrastructure, strengthen intelligent computing power supply, and focus on improving the efficiency of computing power utilization. Continuously promote the interconnection of computing power to create a unified national market for computing power services.

Third, deepen regional coordinated and inclusive development. Support the eastern regions to take the lead in exploring new models of construction and application of 5G-A, artificial intelligence, etc., guide the central and western regions and the northeastern regions to accelerate the construction of gigabit cities, encourage the reasonable layout of major computing facilities in western regions with obvious comprehensive cost advantages. Deepen universal telecommunication services and the construction of "broadband frontiers," enhance the network coverage capabilities of rural and frontier areas.

Fourth, promote the integrated development of information facilities and traditional facilities. Coordinate the construction of vehicle networking roadside facilities along highways and urban arterial roads. Explore the establishment of a low-altitude economic network infrastructure with a sense of connectivity, intensively deploy urban perception terminals, unify the construction of urban-level IoT perception terminal management and data analysis platforms. Fully build a three-dimensional digital China, establish a digital China spatiotemporal foundation and data fusion platform. Thank you!

  • China Electronics News Reporter: We have noticed that under the promotion of the policy to encourage the exchange of old products for new ones, various digital product consumption has shown significant growth recently. Could you please introduce the current operation of China's consumer electronics industry and your expectations for the industry's development this year? Thank you.

  • Zhao Zhiguo: Thank you for your question. The electronic information manufacturing industry is large in scale, fast in technological updates, and plays a strong role in driving the industrial economy. This year, China's consumer electronics industry has been operating well. This is mainly reflected in: rapid production growth. From January to September, the value added of the electronic information manufacturing industry above designated size increased by 12.8% year-on-year, which is 7 percentage points higher than the industrial average for the same period. Production of microcomputers reached 249 million units, mobile phones 1.184 billion units, and color TVs 150 million units, with year-on-year growth rates of 2.9%, 9.8%, and 2.5% respectively Exports continue to rise. According to customs statistics, in the first 9 months, China exported 580 million mobile phones, 110 million laptops, and 81.29 million televisions, with year-on-year growth of 3.5%, 0.7%, and 8% respectively. Domestic brands have seen growth in shipments in most global markets, with brand influence continuing to increase. The domestic market continues to recover and improve. By the end of September this year, China's smartphone shipments reached 206 million units. There is strong demand in the domestic market for 75-100 inch large-screen color TVs, and from late August to mid-October, color TV sales saw a significant increase supported by the policy of trading in old for new. Benefiting from technological iteration and upgrades, increasingly rich features, and optimized user experience, China's smart wearable device shipments also continue to grow.

Looking at the development trends, with the continuous development and application of new technologies and products, more users will be able to enjoy high-quality advanced products. This includes terminal products with large AI models, smartphones using foldable screen technology, Mini-LED TVs, laser TVs, and more.

Next, our department will combine the policy of trading in old for new consumer goods, implement the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the High-Quality Development of the Audiovisual Electronics Industry" and the "Action Plan for the Development of the Smart Health and Elderly Care Industry (2021-2025)" and other related policy documents, accelerate the release of domestic demand, actively explore international markets, and continue to strengthen and expand the Chinese consumer electronics industry. At the same time, we will continue to support domestic excellent consumer electronics companies in research and innovation, guide upstream and downstream companies in the industry chain to strengthen their support capabilities for emerging hot technologies, and continuously improve the level of product supply. Thank you.

  • Economic Daily Reporter: Deepening the integration of industry and finance is an important measure to accelerate the provision of financial services to the real economy. Could you please provide a detailed introduction to the progress and effectiveness of industry-finance integration in China? What are the key focuses of the next steps? Thank you.

  • Tao Qing: Thank you for your question. Various relevant departments and financial institutions adhere to the fundamental purpose of providing financial services to the real economy, innovate in carrying out industry-finance integration, strengthen financing guarantees for "two new" and "two heavy" industries, implement refinancing for technological innovation and technological transformation, and optimize policies for non-repayment and continuous refinancing, effectively supporting the improvement of the level of industrial modernization.

First, the national industry-finance cooperation platform helps enterprises break through financing of over one trillion yuan. The platform provides customized, intelligent financial services, has set up 24 characteristic zones such as industrial transfer and advanced manufacturing clusters, bringing together 345,800 high-quality enterprises, 2,965 financial institutions, and 741 financial products, assisting enterprises in financing of about 1.0018 trillion yuan. Since the beginning of this year, the platform has helped enterprises raise an additional approximately 290 billion yuan in financing, with a year-on-year growth rate of 40.7%. Second, the "Integration of Science, Technology, and Industry Finance" initiative promotes the transformation and industrialization of scientific achievements. Our department has collaborated with over 150 leading financial institutions to build a roadshow matching platform for 260 projects in fields such as new-generation information technology, equipment manufacturing, aerospace information, artificial intelligence, and biomedicine. The amount of equity financing exceeds 10 billion yuan, with nearly 20% of companies doubling their valuations and actively planning for initial public offerings. Third, working together with financial institutions to support new industrialization. Financial institutions cooperating with our department cover various types such as banks, insurance, and funds. In response to the financing needs of manufacturing enterprises, they have innovatively launched a series of characteristic financial products such as specialized, refined, and innovative loans, technology achievement transformation loans, and industrial digital transformation loans As well as various financial combination modes such as "Trial Insurance + R&D Loan". We have established 17 regional equity markets specializing in "specialization and innovation". We have carried out initiatives to promote financing for small and micro enterprises with the strategy of "one chain, one policy, one batch", promoting the expansion of inclusive finance coverage. At the same time, we have organized monthly investment and financing roadshows for specialized and innovative small and medium enterprises, facilitating intended financing amounts exceeding hundreds of billions.

Next, we will continue to deepen industry-finance cooperation. Firstly, we will promptly formulate and issue policy documents to support new industrialization through finance. Focusing on the key directions and areas of new industrialization, we will increase support for technology finance, digital finance, cross-border finance, policy finance, etc., guiding more financial resources to promote technological innovation, advanced manufacturing, green development, and small and micro enterprises. We will promote innovative applications of digital technology in the financial sector, enhancing digital empowerment. Secondly, we will actively leverage the linkages and aggregation effects of the national industry-finance cooperation platform. Strengthening inter-departmental information sharing mechanisms involving enterprises, optimizing platform functions and services, continuously extending the platform's capacity to serve enterprises and the public welfare. Thirdly, we will thoroughly implement the "integration of technology, industry, and finance" special project. Fully leveraging mechanisms such as IPO financing for technology-based companies, mergers and acquisitions, and the "green channel" for bond issuance, guiding social capital to provide multi-channel, sustainable funding guarantees for key areas and critical links. Collaborating with relevant departments to quickly establish the third batch of regional equity markets specializing in "specialization and innovation", optimizing the implementation of the monthly investment and financing promotion activities for small and medium enterprises nationwide, and promoting more precise industry-finance alignment. Thank you!

  • Shou Xiaoli: The last question.

  • CNR News Reporter: We know that the transformation of scientific and technological achievements is an important bridge connecting production and scientific research. What considerations and measures does the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology have for accelerating the transformation of scientific and technological achievements? Thank you.

  • Zhao Zhiguo: Thank you for your question. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is earnestly implementing measures to vigorously develop the technology service industry and promote the rapid industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. Currently, China has nurtured over 16,000 incubation institutions, serving more than 700,000 entrepreneurial enterprises and teams. The number of companies graduating from incubation institutions and going public has exceeded 5,000, with one-third of the companies listed on the Sci-Tech Innovation Board having been incubated and nurtured. We have cultivated 420 national technology transfer demonstration institutions and established 12 national technology transfer regional centers to support the accelerated transfer and transformation of technology. Technology transactions remain active, with the total transaction value of national technology contracts reaching 44.9 trillion yuan in the first three quarters of this year, a year-on-year increase of 17.8%. In the next step, we will make efforts in four areas.

First, improve the top-level design of the technology service industry. Accelerate the issuance of implementation opinions to promote the development of the technology service industry, establish the Standardization Technical Committee for the technology service industry, formulate guidelines for the construction of the standard system for the technology service industry, and promote the construction of innovation development clusters for the technology service industry.

Second, improve the enterprise incubation system. Promote the transformation of the incubation carrier construction and technology transfer market from quantity growth to quality improvement. Introduce a new version of the management measures for identifying technology-based enterprise incubators, promote the hierarchical cultivation and upgrading of incubators, support the cultivation of outstanding incubators in emerging industries and future industrial fields, and accelerate the incubation and cultivation of hard-tech enterprises The third is to cultivate an integrated technology market. Implementing the reform deployment of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, constructing a national unified technology trading service public platform, and accelerating the construction of a unified large technology trading market. Revising the management measures for technology contract registration, the rules for technology contract recognition and registration, and strengthening the standardized management of technology contract recognition. Cultivating a group of high-quality technology managers, leveraging the role of "technology matchmaker" to facilitate more scientific and technological achievements to move from the "bookshelf" to the "shelf", from samples to products.

The fourth is to accelerate the promotion and application of achievements. Carrying out the selection of advanced and applicable technologies, promoting the application of a group of advanced and applicable technologies in traditional industries and small and medium-sized enterprises. Collaborating with relevant departments to research and formulate guidelines for "use first, pay later" for scientific and technological achievements, guiding universities and research institutions to license scientific and technological achievements to enterprises for use. Implementing demonstration projects for the industrial application of scientific and technological achievements, building demonstration application scenarios in central enterprises, etc., to promote the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. Thank you. Shou Xiaoli: Thank you to all the speakers, thank you to all the journalist friends. Today's press conference ends here, goodbye everyone!