微软收盘创纪录新高 年迄今涨幅已达 45%大型基金季末再平衡来了!小摩:美股未来几周将遭遇 1500 亿美元抛售李家超:香港是投资者开设和扩展业务的最佳地点Adobe 蹭上 AI 风口:融合生成式 AI+ 创意软件 上调全年业绩展望Meta 寄望商业化开源 AI 软件以挑战谷歌欧洲议会通过《人工智能法案》草案,德媒:完全生效可能还需数年U.S. Stocks Rally As Economic Data Eases Interest Rate ConcernsThe 2023 Bull Market For Tesla Began With A Key Reversal On January 6AI“日不落”!微软股价年内涨超 45%,创历史新高仅一步之遥Adobe 第二财季营收 48.16 亿美元 净利润同比增长 10%S&P 500 has risen for six consecutive days, Chinese concept stocks have outperformed the market again, the European Central Bank hinted at further rate hikes, the euro has risen, and the renminbi has rebounded strongly.跳票数次后维珍银河敲定本月底开启首次商飞,付费已久的游客有望圆梦太空Adobe tops quarterly results and forecast estimates driven by AIJPMorgan warns: End-of-quarter rebalancing is coming, and the stock market faces $150 billion in selling pressure.标普势将六连阳,特斯拉再跌,欧央行暗示继续加息,欧元涨Meta 首席科学家: ChatGPT 式 AI 已过时翻倍上涨之后,分析师下调 SoFi 评级美联储又对了!美国 5 月 “恐怖数据” 大好,制造业指数意外转正上调奈飞目标价近 100 美元!分析师纷纷看好打击密码共享英伟达、甲骨文之后,2200 亿的 Adobe 要暴涨?美股盘前 | 特斯拉跌超 3%!美银预测美联储再加息两次,Uber 将推出长视频广告Just behind Nvidia, there is another low-key old-school tech stock that has skyrocketed in the US stock market.大行速睇 | 特斯拉、Netflix、AMD!目标价都获大幅上调!Alibaba President: Jack Ma remains biggest shareholder and still cares about companyHong Kong stocks rebounded by more than 2%, with the Hang Seng Technology index closing up 3.59%. Technology and consumer goods led the gains, with MEITUAN-W rising nearly 8%.AbbVie plans to sue Zejula for infringement in Delaware, BEIGENE China lost over 20 billion in market value in a single day.段永平:特斯拉未来是个苦生意,不确定腾讯、字节谁价值更高The output cannot be provided as it does not contain the required translation of unique terms. Please provide the necessary translations for the following terms: '海豚', '长桥', '海豚君', '环比', '同比', '季度比'.AI Search "图穷匕见"! Alphabet-C to Disrupt Amazon and MEITUAN-W“新债王” 警告:美股已狂热,美联储不能再加息阿里云:已有 15 款支持中文的开源大模型在魔搭社区上线花旗:美股估值较高注意周期风险 中资股须待政策拉动信心特斯拉陷入严重超买!华尔街却为何纷纷大幅上调目标价?特斯拉连涨记录终结,但最高还可升至 390 美元?Tesla Rides AI Trend with 13 Consecutive Rises, Analysts Warn Stock Prices Will Fluctuate Again港股科技股爆发:美团、B 站大涨 6%,阿里、京东涨超 4%,腾讯涨超 2%不在意 CPI,只有美股大幅回落,才能改变美联储鹰派立场?潘铁珊:日本股市累计涨幅过高 港股估值有吸引力即使美股开启新牛市,这 6 万亿美元也不会流入奇葩的中概股趣店:业务全关,靠理财和加杠杆炒股赚翻苹果股价已至山巅 往前一步是悬崖还是 “云巅”?大摩乐观预测:中国下半年将全面复苏 推动亚洲经济增速超欧美AI 能否助力美股长牛? 关键得看 AI 带来的利润增量美股期权 | 阿里、英特尔期权成交放大两倍,台积电、Sofi 期权成交激增近三倍再谈复盘的意义——修炼策略的三种方式