海通证券发布三季报,营收在上升,利润须加油美团与抖音暗战升级了美股盘初全线升超 1%,科技和中概股领跑,油价跌 2%,日元拉升超 60 点投资收益 “托” 起业绩,国泰君安前三季赚超 86 亿家电龙头业绩出炉:海尔智家、美的集团净利润获两位数增长 |财报见闻欧盟反补贴风暴袭来,比亚迪、吉利和上汽被选中铀矿 ETF 三年增长 20 倍!对冲基金疯狂做多 “铀矿股”泡沫已经太大?Open AI 早期投资人:大多数 AI 投资都要赔钱!The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) announced that the second phase of the "Digital Hong Kong Dollar" pilot program will be launched next year. It will explore other new use cases such as enterprise solutions and cross-border payments.财报前瞻 | AMD 或受益于 PC 市场改善 游戏等业务仍处逆风华为吃饱,苹果跌倒! Mate 60 系列来势汹汹,苹果中国份额拉响警报Global asset management giant Invesco: The major positive news for the Japanese stock market is about to disappear, it's time to buy into China.英美市场数据显示,电动汽车 “坏” 的更快、维修更贵、保费更高Li Jia Chao: Hong Kong property market "cooling measures" aim to increase market liquidity, property prices are still determined by the market.司美格鲁肽赚来的钱,诺和诺德投了什么?Earnings Report Preview | Can Apple deliver on optimistic expectations in Q4?美股遭遇 “五年来最惨十月”!该怎么办?市场转向!红利抱团松动信号已现,港股高股息策略歇了?美股四季度上涨的可能性,为什么大幅下降?恒大清盘聆讯再押后至 12 月 4 日OpenAI,会收购 Humane 么?iPhone 15 Pro 官方渠道首次现货降价亏 7 亿元后,磷酸铁锂正极 “全球老三” 龙蟠科技为何奔港交所The hottest trade on Wall Street right now: "Bottom-fishing" in US long-term bonds."The Wolf of Wall Street" Prototype: The S&P 500 Index is still the ticket to wealthUBS: Bullish on the third-quarter reports of the two major ride-hailing giants, but prefers Uber.新加坡股市 27 日报:京东 5 倍做多权证量价狂飙华润减持背后,汾酒的多事之秋消息称苹果即将发布三款 M3 芯片招行三季报:零售之王,零售风向标工行三季报:老牌银行终于 “牵住” 年轻客户中信银行三季报:理财大行仍看理财微软 Xbox 新政策:11 月 17 日起未经官方授权配件将被禁用ChatGPT 测试新功能:可自动根据上下文选择相关工具使用中金:预计美联储本周不会加息美国电车颓了,马斯克丧了可能是史上最强大 AI Agent!OpenAI 重磅更新:整合了多模态、外部访问、数据分析后的 GPT-4 更像是 AI Agent 了!US stocks experienced the "worst October in five years". Goldman Sachs: The market is pessimistic, providing entry opportunities!美国经济,已是利多出尽?下周前瞻 | 苹果、百胜中国、星巴克财报来袭!He Xiaopeng doesn't want to leave the poker table.Cloud giants "take sides" with AI unicorn, Google invests $2 billion in leading competitor Anthropic.美国第二大有线电视提供商 Charter 因与迪士尼纠纷损失 10 万名用户Wall Street is starting to "bottom fish" US bonds.The automotive industry's major strike is nearing its end: a 25% pay raise! General Motors and Stellantis are close to reaching an agreement with the union.