Cryptocurrencies are making a comeback! Bitcoin has rebounded by 160% this year, and the market eagerly anticipates the impact of the demand for spot ETFs.华尔街开心了,大摩日本收入创纪录软银将向散户投资者出售 1400 亿日元债券专家解读《网络游戏管理办法(草案征求意见稿)》:理性看待其影响 后续或有适应性修改持仓分析:做空美元越来越受欢迎!一周内狂增逾 1 万份看空合约看图:标普指数创下逾 5 年来最长单周连涨纪录解读公司 | 比小米造车更难的,为什么是小米的定价?In December, a total of 105 domestic online games developed by companies such as TENCENT and NetEase were approved for release.Manchester United has agreed to sell a 25% stake to the Chairman of Yingli Group for $1.3 billion.英特尔 CEO:摩尔定律节奏正在放缓至三年上海迪士尼热力追踪曾多次故障Morgan Stanley's view on the US stock market in 2024: Cloud business - Is the adjustment in place? Is "computing power leasing" becoming a trend?英伟达官方盘点 2023 年 10 大研究!「神经朗琪罗」秒变逼真大卫,用 AI 生成 3D 虚拟世界“超级高铁” 倒闭,马斯克 “梦碎”?Report: Xiaohongshu is expected to make a profit of $500 million this year.Bitcoin and Ethereum prices pause, while cryptocurrency stocks continue to reach new highs on Friday.Tesla Dialogue with "Miss Wood": Index funds are too large, not all companies should go publicFord Motor's electric cars are not selling well? Only half of the car dealers plan to sell pure electric cars next year.The US stock market experienced a "flash crash" before Christmas, with a thrilling but ultimately safe eight-week rally. After Nike's earnings report, the stock plummeted by 10%, and global gaming stocks experienced a sharp decline during trading hours.灰度昨日与 SEC 会面商讨比特币现货 ETF 事宜“存款降息” 为 LPR 下调打开空间"Pinduoduo Goddess" takes the lead, these private equity giants defy the trend and achieve "positive returns"US Stock Market Update | Bitcoin-related stocks continue to rise, with Jia Nan Technology up nearly 10%.On a single day, Tencent's market value plummeted by 360 billion.腾讯网易市值蒸发近 5000 亿港元,业内称充值限额直接影响游戏厂商流水Alibaba needs "Wu Ma" this tough personThe 2023 Tmall Brand Entrepreneurship Report is released! The health and wellness track is the hottest, and Guangzhou takes the first place in the annual brand creation city.China Financial Stability Report: Maintain the prudence of monetary policy and effectively implement cross-cycle and counter-cyclical adjustments.网络游戏管理新政征求意见,游戏股重挫!12 家上市公司回应影响哪吒汽车哑火了?游戏工委内部人士:对征求意见稿目前各界可畅所欲言,以使其切实可行,更为完善After being sucked dry by the "weight loss drug duo," the US medical technology sector is expected to stage a major comeback next year.大跌过后,腾讯罕见大幅回购 10 亿港元!腾讯游戏回应网络游戏管理征求意见:严格贯彻落实管理要求Outperforming the market by a wide margin, with a year-to-date increase of 79%! Can the US stock construction sector continue to rise next year?CKH Holdings 计划推动其旗下的电信业务 Wind Tre SpA 与意大利的同行公司进行合并。拟分拆复星健康赴港上市?复星医药回应吴泳铭再发全员信:淘天集团管理团队全部换血The Mystery of Tesla Cybertruck's Limited Production: Insufficient Batteries or Hungry Marketing?游戏公司高管:《网游征求意见稿》部分条文仍需进一步厘清游戏整改征求意见引圈内巨震 行业人士:会切实影响盈利能力恺英网络:网游新规意见的影响目前还无法评估理解市场 | 腾讯急挫!万般分析不如一个消息……亚市午盘:美数据支持降息预期 亚股上涨