Adding insult to injury! General Motors' autonomous driving department's valuation was halved following the shattering of "Apple's car-making dream."灰度分析师:没有足够的比特币来满足所有的新需求,推动价格上涨Concept stocks related to weight loss have become "money printing machines", with LAEKNA-B's stock price rising by over 120% in three days.台积电研发的灵魂人物,未来接班人浮出水面Bloomberg: AMD's market value soared, surpassing $300 billion.中国首部省级层面新能源汽车产业专项法规施行美联储威廉姆斯重申:今年晚些时候可能会进行降息中国 2 月官方制造业 PMI 49.1 市场预期 49网易丁磊:今天 AI 能做到的比过去十年还要重大Breakfast | US stocks are back in a strong profitable trend, JD Cloud is directly competing with Alibaba Cloud.知名加密货币投资者 Michael Novogratz:比特币或出现回调 随后反弹至创纪录水平云上战争,京东硬刚阿里实探节后医疗减肥市场 部分医院接诊量增长超五成Heavyweight PCE growth did not exceed expectations, US bonds surged, US stocks rebounded, SPDR S&P 500 achieved its best start in five years, and Bitcoin saw its largest monthly increase in over three years.Bitcoin continues to rise, with record inflows of ETF funds.美联储多高官讲话,不急于降息,也无惧 1 月通胀数据What are tech giants focusing on? Aligning values with artificial intelligence! Microsoft has entered the game.Financial gospel? Microsoft releases Copilot for finance, accelerating reconciliation and data analysis.ZEEKR leaves no room for XIAOMI-W to survive.2024 Earnings Report | Domestic performance lags behind international, Takeda's down payment supports HUTCHMED in turning losses around.HSBC: Pinduoduo may achieve profitability by 2025, with overseas revenue accounting for over half. | The Four Little Dragons Going Global series.Who will be the next "trillion-dollar company": Berkshire Hathaway, Eli Lilly, or Taiwan Semiconductor?广发证券:货币政策新特征对权益市场定价有何影响?Apple's dream of making cars for ten years has been shattered.US Stock Market Preview: PCE data is coming in tonight, with futures of the three major stock indices all falling.蔡崇信、吴泳铭等 11 位管理层发声:回报社会是阿里最大价值美银证券:对于市场,年底的美国大选就像另一场 “千年虫”比特币 ETF 席卷华尔街 加密货币市场正在被重塑Huang Renxun: Every day feels like the first day of entrepreneurship! I sacrificed everything for NVIDIA.NetEase's pre-market trading fell by over 5%, with a 16% decrease in net profit QoQ in Q4. The daily active users of "Egg Party" during the Spring Festival exceeded 40 million.WSB Hot Topic | Up 6000% in Four Years! Functional beverage company Celsius is about to release its earnings report.中美举行新一轮外交政策磋商美国 SEC 考虑允许比特币 ETF 及相关信托期权上市交易知情人士回应小鹏汽车起火:整个车都烧成骨架,现场惨烈,车主疑似当场死亡NetEase Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2023 Unaudited Financial ResultsZhitong Hong Kong Stock 52-Week Highs and Lows Statistics on February 29th.云音乐:2023 年经调整净利润 8.19 亿元 同比扭亏为盈B 端人工智能可能会迎来爆发? 增长加速,股价暴涨The key model behind Sora, the breakthrough to achieving AGI?Coinbase 市值超越香港交易所 成为全球第四大上市交易所The most powerful AI chip B100 is coming! NVIDIA may release it in March.美股 “贵得离谱”?华尔街唱多情绪高涨,分析师喊出 6000 点目标位美股恐将回调 10%?分析师:反弹幅度不够大,技术面有压力美联储官员:本轮降息节奏将 “与前几轮周期不同”英伟达内部人士加大抛售力度 最新财报披露后已套现 8000 万美元