刚刚!万亿巨头,突传重大利空!US tech stocks are plummeting, next week's financial report will be crucialAMD dropped by one! Nvidia's market value evaporated by $300 billion this week, and the "Seven Sisters of the US Stock Market" experienced the worst week in history中金:公募降佣落地,券商未来靠投研能力取胜Bitcoin completes its fourth "halving" in historyAI craze cools down! "Tenfold stock of the year" AMD plunges 20%, Nvidia tumbles 10%, ARM also collapses香港会财局调查普华永道,恒大地产 2 年虚增收入 5600 亿元Tech stocks experience "Black Friday"! The S&P and Nasdaq both fell for the sixth consecutive day, with Nvidia plunging 10% and Netflix plummeting 9%. Middle East risks eased, while gold and crude oil surged before pulling back美联储金融稳定报告:通胀被视作头号风险,对冲基金杠杆率创 2013 年以来新高Top 10 US Stock Losers (4.19)Top 5 US Stock Gainers/Losers (>100B) (4.19)Top 5 CDRs Gainers/Losers (>100M) (4.19)Top 10 US Stock Gainers (4.19)Is it all AI's fault? More and more overseas users are abandoning Google and turning to TikTok and Reddit to search for answersBitcoin is expected to halve on Saturday. Deutsche Bank: The market has partially priced it in and is not expected to surge significantlyLei Jun leads the live streaming trend among industry leaders中核钛白违规减持大案处罚落地!两大龙头券商,多位个人拟被重罚MicroStrategy 创始人今年已抛售 37 万股票 进账 3.7 亿美元Wang Jianlin sold the entire headquarters of WandaElectric vehicle sales are weak, with new car sales in Europe declining for the first time this year in MarchDemand for storage chips rebounds, Zilliant Innovation sees double growth in Q1 revenue and profit | Financial Report InsightsNetflix 不在乎会员数了?Do not be swayed by emotions, objective evaluation is key to investmentPre-market trading in US stocks | Li Auto, Netflix lead the decline! Cryptocurrency concept stocks surge!油价冲 150 美元、欧央行或被迫加息!这家投行推演了伊以冲突的三种可能场景Rating Quick Look | Tesla's rating and target price both significantly lowered! Tencent and Apple are viewed favorablyThe fair value of gold, this model can explain! Is this year's rise in gold prices still due to the debt of the past decade?Mark Zuckerberg's latest 20,000-word interview: The "most powerful open-source large model" Llama3 worth billions of dollars and everything behind itTop 5 HK Stock Gainers/Losers (>100B) (4.19)Top 10 HK Stock Losers (4.19)Top 10 HK Stock Gainers (4.19)US Stock Options | Tesla, Nvidia, Apple all see a decline in trading volume! TSMC and DJT are hotLess than 24 hours until the halving! Will Bitcoin rise?Don't rush to buy the dip! "Wall Street Oracle" warns: a wave of selling in US stocks will occur in the next few weeks日股收跌 2.66%,创 2022 年 9 月以来最大单日跌幅特斯拉裁员更多细节曝光,中国裁员比例不止 10%JPMorgan Chase Bullish on Gold: Drawing lessons from history, bigger gains are yet to comeMarket Insight | Meitu Corporation falls more than 5%, leading the decline in Bitcoin concept stocks. Bitcoin once fell below $60,000. Large institutions believe that the halving effect has already been priced inAfter five consecutive declines, the S&P broke below the key support level of 5050Next Tuesday, Wall Street wants Musk to explain clearly!Panic Index ETF surged 19%, Crude Oil ETF surged 8%伊朗传出爆炸声地点在机场和军方基地附近