5 月新势力销量走强,蔚来、极氪创新高三大销售体系合并?传零跑汽车 “动刀” 营销体系,小鹏已进行过类似调整Is it time to switch? NVIDIA VS Dow Jones!Retail investor "leader" suspected of holding a position in GameStop worth $1.16 billion, triggering another surge in stock price of nearly 20%AMD 公布 AI 路线图:MI325X 将比 H200 快 1.3 倍!还有全新 AI PC 芯片!科网股早盘集体走高 哔哩哔哩-W 涨近 5% 腾讯上涨 4%The increase widened, Faraday Future Intelligent Electric surged 17% in the night session91 年出生的郭宇,在字节 2020 年退休,旅居日本活的让人羡慕AI 太火,外资爆买台股Meituan makes its debut as the key Hong Kong stock earnings season comes to an end!快讯:港股三大指数集体高涨 科网股、汽车股、半导体概念股强劲英伟达最新 GPU 和互联路线图"The Wall Street Oracle": U.S. stocks can still rise! Investors should stick to effective strategiesHyper Track | Saudi Arabian Investor: Investing in Chinese Tech Companies Twice in Three Months渠道变革后一季度销量不到年销售目标 10%,小鹏汽车仍持续亏损Understanding the Market | Apple Concept Stocks Lead the Way with iPhone's "Price for Volume" Strategy Showing Results as Apple WWDC Conference ApproachesGME soaring 19% after Roaring Kitty Reveals $180 Million PositionOPEC+ discloses detailed "exit production cut" roadmap, Goldman Sachs calls it bearish for oil prices!买下英特尔、AMD、高通分分钟的事!黄仁勋:CPU 是过去式了快讯:港股恒指高开 1.13% 科指涨 1.45% 科网股集体高开苹果官方突然更新:M2 iPad Air 规格缩水 10 核 GPU 降级为 9 核曝苹果 WWDC24 没有新硬件发布 iOS 18 才是主角!美国新闻媒体联盟致信贸易委员会、司法部,要求调查谷歌在新闻领域的垄断行为除了英伟达!对冲基金布局了这些 AI 产业Accelerate everything! Huang Renxun: Blackwell is now in production, launching the next generation AI platform Rubin in 2026, equipped with HBM4雷军、余承东罕见同框Breakfast | NVIDIA to launch Blackwell Ultra AI chip next year, Tesla holds shareholder meeting腾讯发布元宝 App 后股价表现平淡 打通社交生态能成为下一个爆点吗?Morgan Stanley: Why is Dell's sharp decline considered an opportunity港股反弹,暂缓还是终结?The lesson from the major collapse of American software stocks: At least for now, AI is a substitute for software, not a gain!"I have been following NVIDIA throughout my career. It is a stock with very strong cyclicality." - For this reason, "Wood Sister" missed out on earning one billion US dollars!新势力 5 月销量回暖:理想交付 3.5 万辆,蔚来、极氪创新高May Electric Vehicle Delivery Report: NIO and ZEEKR hit record highs, XPeng returns to the era of over 10,000 deliveries! Xiaomi SU7 delivers over 8,600 unitsBurning $400 billion in a year - The AI war of the "Seven Sisters" in the US stock marketAvalon GloboCare announces 2024 first quarter performanceWhy did US technology stocks suddenly crash?李斌用了两个词形容蔚来汽车技术能力:丧心病狂、全球天花板AI 终端 “6 月大戏” 即将开幕!英伟达、苹果、AMD 动态连发对话 Xreal 创始人徐驰:智能眼镜有三种形态,苹果产品未必符合当下 丨 科创 100 人芯片,突传重磅利好!US stocks "big reversal in the last 20 minutes", but Bank of America still says: it's time to switch, tech stocks are going to "suffer"北非汽车市场向中企敞开大门,“中国电动汽车电池性能超过西方产品”Goldman Sachs: Hedge funds continue to reduce exposure to large-cap tech stocks, increasing holdings in cyclical stocksThe AI concept stock frenzy cools down, this American electric company, which surged more than NVIDIA, plummetedPCE transmission inflation is good, US bonds continue to rise, Dow Jones sees strongest daily gain of the year, tech stocks suppress Nasdaq, Dell plunges nearly 20%, NVIDIA's rebound fails with a rise of nearly 30% in May周五热门中概股多数走低 拼多多跌 1.5%,腾讯音乐跌 4.8%5 月 31 日美股成交额前 20:戴尔创 2018 年美国 IPO 以来最大单日跌幅Google continues to "slim down": Cloud business reportedly facing widespread layoffs