Market Insight | XPENG-W drops more than 5%, leading the decline in automobile stocks. Domestic terminal consumption in May has not improved yet, and multiple countries have announced additional tariffs美联储 6 月决议前瞻:鲍威尔如何看待通胀?Market Insight | Cowell Electronic falls more than 6%, leading the decline in Apple concept stocks. Apple's stock fell nearly 2% after the product launch event, with shipments in the second half of the year expected to be lower than the same period last year不止 AI 来了!苹果 Vision Pro 向中国等新市场推出,近 3 万元起售再谈谈三万亿的破绽“苹果智能” 发布:Siri 升级了,内置 ChatGPT 可免费使用Apple's AI functionality finally lands, investors seem "unconvinced"The "long vs. short" showdown in the US stock market reaches a climax! CPI collides with the Federal Reserve interest rate decision, intense volatility is brewingAfter reading "Apple AI Full Stack", would you consider changing your phone?苹果智能来了!苹果发布个人智能系统:全品类适用,纳入 GPT 只是开始原油狂涨!苹果大跌!这一夜,发生了什么?Breakfast | S&P 500 and Nasdaq both hit record highs at the close, Apple opens a new chapter in AIElon Musk "bumped into" WWDC: If the operating system integrates OpenAI, my company will not use AppleOpenAI hires two executives to reach a cooperation agreement with Apple五分钟看 WWDC24 苹果 AI 终于到来外盘头条:苹果将把 ChatGPT 引入手机系统 拉加德称将会在降息之间举行几次会议 小摩警告股市或剧烈动荡周一热门中概股涨跌不一 台积电涨 2.3%,拼多多涨 3.2%,理想跌 3.1%苹果 WWDC24 开发者大会后 投资者反应平淡 苹果公司收跌 1.9%US Stock Market Update | Vaccine stocks decline, Novavax Medical falls more than 10%U.S. Stock Market Update | Chip stocks mixed, AMD drops over 3%After announcing the stock split, NVIDIA has risen by more than 27%. Goldman Sachs: It can attract more retail investorsElon Musk: Tesla will not launch a "refreshed" version of the Model Y this yearAMD 股票将会上涨超过 19% 吗?以下是周一 10 位顶尖分析师的预测美股盘前丨股指期货小幅走低,KKR 盘前涨超 8%Microsoft launches all-new all-digital Xbox Series X/S and a series of new titles including "Call of Duty"Banks prohibited from selling private equity? Will there be a "one-size-fits-all" approach? In-depth analysis is here!全球开发者大会在即 苹果能在这波 AI 混战中脱颖而出吗?Apple moves towards the AI new era: chips, applications, and large models fight on three frontsNorthbound net inflow exceeds 5 billion in a single week, "high dividend + high technology" barbell strategy continues to attract attention苹果 WWDC2024 今夜来袭:Apple AI 将交出怎样的答卷?Track Hyper | Micron GDDR7 Sample: Three giants open a new battlefield competitionOn the eve of the shareholders' meeting, Tesla's senior executives jointly issued a statement: Without Musk, Tesla is just an ordinary car companyNVIDIA stock split: Short-term peak, long-term bottom?美团 2024Q1 财报:本地消费持续恢复,季度经营利润达 52 亿元Morgan Stanley: A new round of memory "super cycle", unprecedented supply-demand imbalance expected in 2025New way to buy a house! Only need to pay 1 yuan principal per month?Just next Thursday, Musk will reenact "Payday Chronicles"Broadcom, winning big!涉足体育直播和现场活动 奈飞股价有望重回历史高点Much anticipated! What big moves will Apple make at WWDC next week?After waiting for 4 years! 230,000 people went crazy for the physical version of "Black Myth: Wukong" priced at 1998 yuan, the domestic 3A game finally stands upBank of America Merrill Lynch: Bullish on copper prices rising to $12,000, these types of copper mining companies have greater flexibilityChinese version of Sora: KUAISHOU-WR KelingRegulation, deficit reduction, inflation reduction! Trump's Treasury Secretary "popular candidate" shoots "three arrows"Strong US non-farm data, Chinese central bank stops buying, gold suffers a "double blow"!GameStop Dynamics 'Not The Same' As 2021, Says Andrew Left: 'Roaring Kitty Premise Is Gone'GameStop shares plunge even as meme stock booster ‘Roaring Kitty’ says company is on the right trackGameStop investor Keith 'Roaring Kitty' Gill is working alone, says Reddit & X posts are real