蔚来单日上线 51 座充换电站 换电站总数已达 1543 座超 25 万辆!比亚迪 “大爆发”中金:港股市场迎接关键政策窗口期特斯拉第二季交车量超预期创纪录新高,降价措施奏效Software giant embraces AI: How Adobe completes the "AI transformation" step by stepAI Weekly News: Microsoft launches AI transformation with Windows 11; NVIDIA reduces office software costs by 23%; Video training becomes a crucial learning path for robots | Insight Research法国连续 5 天发生骚乱 7 千名警察及宪兵被部署至巴黎拆解光年之外交易:美团兜底,王慧文 5000 万美元没了6 月份标普 500 指数表现强劲 成分股中有 454 只实现上涨汽车街冲刺港股:年营收 4.7 亿同比降 30% 腾讯与京东是股东造车新势力 6 月销量继续回暖,理想交付量已超去年总和High-yield "miraculous rise" under improvement! The biggest "weakness" of the US stock market is also getting better.After the stress test, "Good news keeps coming": Wall Street major banks collectively raise dividends.推特暂时限制用户阅读贴文数法国骚乱蔓延到邻国,比利时上百人被捕,瑞士掐断与法国公交!被捕骚乱者平均 17 岁,马克龙号召 “父母管好孩子”60 岁潘功胜任央行党委书记,曾多次向市场喊话力撑人民币汇率造车新势力 6 月成绩单:埃安续创历史新高,理想首次突破三万,小鹏连续 5 个月正增长Windows Copilot 抢先上手!GPT-4 全线接入 Win11,重新定义操作系统Canary nearing the bottom? South Korea's export decline narrows for the first time in 16 months, recording a trade surplus.Microsoft can still dominate the cloud? Report: Azure revenue in 2022 is less than half of Amazon AWS.硅谷老钱和中国巨头,AI 并购潮的同行不同命科技股不再一枝独秀! 美股上演轮动行情 市场嗅到 “全面牛市” 气息收购光年之外,美团图什么?B 站弃用播放量,能帮 UP 主多赚钱吗?Goldman Sachs consumer lending business may come to an end! Considering terminating partnership with Apple, American Express may "take over""Pen Fight" Upgrades to "Arena Fight"? Musk and Zuckerberg's "Showdown" Could Take Place in the Roman Colosseum一场 “乌龙”?SEC 退还现货比特币 ETF 申请文件,比特币跳水 6%美股欢呼通胀降温,苹果盘中突破 3 万亿大关,纳斯达克 100 势将最佳上半年表现E'an accelerates to surpass Tesla.央行:精准有力实施稳健的货币政策,搞好跨周期调节大行速睇 | 小鹏汽车还能涨 210%?华尔街看多苹果、Netflix、英伟达!Hong Kong stocks closed the first half of the year with three major indexes fluctuating and falling. The automobile and biopharmaceutical sectors led the gains, with XPENG-W surging 10%.阿里将推行季度考核,员工转岗需先离职再入职JPMorgan's Long Position In Hong Kong Shares Of XPeng Rises To 6.39% - HKEX FilingEstablished only two years ago with a valuation of 4 billion US dollars, backed by the likes of Gates and NVIDIA, Inflection is set to challenge OpenAI and Alphabet-C.小盘股的春天来了?高盛:罗素 2000 指数未来一年或上涨 14%!Chua Sock Koong Ignites the "First Spark"对冲基金大佬:AI 股存在泡沫,但值得长期持有“财报之前,抢先做多!” 花旗为何力挺 Netflix 冲上 500 美元?大摩发布研究报告称,予美团-W“增持” 评级,目标价 180 港元消息称特斯拉得州超级工厂将暂停 Model Y 产线并升级 部分员工转向 Cybertruck 产线金山办公与 NVIDA 团队合作,加速 WPS AI 落地富瑞:下调本港地产股目标价 偏好领展及九置等零售收租股Microsoft launches AI shopping tool: available on Bing and Edge, it intelligently compares prices.