NVIDIA's French office was subjected to a surprise inspection by the competition regulatory authorities, causing a temporary narrowing of the stock price increase.美股大型科技股盘前多数走低,亚马逊跌超 1%美国第二季度 GDP 增速维持在 2.1% 不变,上周初请失业金人数小幅上升庆祝中华人民共和国成立 74 周年招待会在京举行 习近平发表重要讲话美国消费者支出增速降至一年多来最低水平马云最信任的人动手了国家互联网信息办公室就《规范和促进数据跨境流动规定(征求意见稿)》公开征求意见央行等多部门:优化粤港澳大湾区 “跨境理财通” 业务试点,进一步推进大湾区金融市场互联互通第四范式 IPO 首日流通股仅 0.3% 虚高的市值或演绎快手悲剧News: Masayoshi Son invests $1 billion, OpenAI and Ive join forces to create the "iPhone of the AI era"Interest rates in the United States are soaring! Wall Street is already drawing parallels to 2008: we are now in 2007.Google Pixel is rising, Apple iPhone's market share in Japan falls below 50% for the first time in two years.京东要卖特斯拉了* 花旗:腾讯近期股价疲弱增加买入机会 开启 90 日正面催化观察Ali Tencent Century's "Reconciliation""Option Whales" emerge! The unsettled S&P 500 may plunge to 4200 points.The Screen Actors Guild (SAG) has reached an agreement with Hollywood film companies, including Disney, to resume negotiations on October 2nd.Foreign capital withdrawal in progress, Japanese stocks, bonds, and currency all hit hard.Deutsche Bank: Tesla's profit in 2024 faces "significant downside risk", target price lowered to $285.名创优品开始 “升级” | 见智研究Hang Seng Index extends losses to over 200 points, falling below 17,400. HKEX, Meituan, CSCI, and JD Health drop more than 2%-5%.大事件!“恒大系” 集体停牌!均复牌不久EXCLUSIVE-HSBC to acquire Citigroup China consumer wealth business -sourcesTuhu's first day of listing was hindered by JD: How to break through and profit in the price war分析师称苹果 A17Pro 仅为过渡设计 预计 iPhone 16 系列所有机型都将采用 A18 系列芯片Apple's new product encounters setbacks as users complain about severe heating issues with the iPhone 15 Pro."Higher and Longer" Panic Continues: US Stocks and Bonds Plunge, Marking the Worst Month of the YearOpen AI has unlocked the "Dragon Binding" for ChatGPT: it can now connect to the internet!美国汽车工会:若谈判未取得重大进展 周五将扩大罢工30 Billion Users Experience AI! Meta Introduces AI Features to Social Media Platforms and Launches the World's First MR HeadsetNVIDIA's major customer Microsoft: "AI chip shortage" is improvingAI boom supports sales but profitability is worrying: Micron Technology warns of losses this quarter, stock falls over 4% after hours | Earnings ReportTop analyst pours cold water on ASML: EUV equipment shipment forecast for next year may be significantly revised down by 20-30%.S&P narrowly closed higher, Dow hit a four-month low, US bond yields returned to a decade-high, and US oil rose 4% during the session.Seizing the Market by Storm: Meta Releases Quest 3 VR Headset with $200 Price Increase, Introduces Multi-functional Glasses Simultaneously"Century Anti-Monopoly" Case Exposes the Machinations of Tech Giants: Microsoft Claims Apple Uses Bing as a "Bargaining Chip" in Negotiations with Google张晓晶:中国有提高财政赤字率的空间美媒:白宫已做好在政府关门期间运作的准备南极电商拟推第四期员工持股计划 筹资总额上限为 1.78 亿元黄伟纶:香港庞大的外汇储备可有效支援金融系统全球股市抛售暂停 波动率指数 VIX 显示市场平静