Fifty years ago, there was also a Middle East war, followed by the "oil crisis".Who is the ideal real opponent in the field? | Insights from Dolphin Research中金:博弈美国利率 “冲高回落”,现在逐步分段配置可能是不错的策略Israel's "Pearl Harbor moment"! The "bloody assist" of oil prices?"Buff stacking" addictive? Bank wealth management fast redemption limit increased to 1.5 millionNew Street Research:重申台积电 “买入” 评级 目标价 700 元新台币对标 iPhone!小米 14 将配备定制国产极窄 1.5k 高刷屏Jinghua Optics, a delisted company, plans to relist through a second listing and aims to sprint towards an IPO. Will the betting agreement make the Beijing Stock Exchange "unofficially" qualified for listing?小米在武汉、深圳成立景明科技公司汽车价格战,有赢家吗?美国汽车工人罢工进入第四周 工会呼吁继续抗争巴以冲突已致双方近 500 人死亡白宫高官:美以正就为以色列提供军援谈判,但国会情况让问题复杂化从 2016 年到 2023 年,谷歌共卖出 3790 万部 Pixel 系列手机微软放弃对 OneDrive 的更改,原计划会导致照片存储在相册时占用两倍存储空间遥遥领先友商!曝荣耀新折叠屏应用稀土镁合金:重量厚度将刷新纪录iPhone 15 Pro 首发用户遇到一堆糟心事:苹果品控堪忧曝华为今年还有 5 款机型将要上市 旗舰配置迎来下放!这届十一黄金周消费大盘:有恢复,无 “报复”1 个问题 4 年还没解决?聊聊 iPhone 15 系列的 “鬼影” 问题巴以冲突为何骤然升级?哈马斯出其不意,以色列措手不及上海新房成交同比大幅增长,二手房想快速成交仍需 “主动降价”Mysterious researcher "stirs up trouble", quantitative hedge fund giant attracts attention again in the "whirlpool"Trillion-dollar Strong Accumulation Fund - Hong Kong's largest long position has increased!如何躲避 “美债风暴”?高盛:机构们都在做这个交易中国缘何连续 11 个月增持黄金储备?业内人士:受四重因素影响手机大变局2023 年 10 月票房破 20 亿Seize the "last opportunity"! Japan invites global asset management giants to "invest"大行评级|摩根士丹利:上调 “三桶油” 第三季度盈利预测 首选中石油Another "big customer" of NVIDIA wants to do it themselves, Microsoft will launch its own AI chip next month.Race Track Hyper | AI First: Google's Weakness抖音的「本地进击」序曲美银:美国楼市不会重演 2008 年式崩盘,但将出现类似 1980 年代的 “动荡”饿了么:中秋国庆假期日均游客外卖量外卖量达历史新高,较 19 年翻倍长假期间美债收益率全线暴涨:原因何在?影响几何?周黑鸭、奈雪、小红书背后的投资人,IPO 了美银警告:更长更高=硬着陆中国驻美大使谢锋同中美知名学者座谈交流美国私营医疗机构医护人员罢工进入第三天Microsoft is rumored to launch an artificial intelligence chip next month.美国最大连锁药店沃尔格林部分员工计划举行罢工墨西哥反垄断机构对沃尔玛启动 “准司法程序”The United Auto Workers Union in the United States did not expand the strike this week, and automotive stocks in the US stock market quickly rose during trading.What's going on with Ford's flagship F-150 electric pickup truck? Its sales in the third quarter were nearly halved, and it's still undergoing quality inspections.Relaxing the "Made in Europe" threshold: The EU plans to postpone imposing tariffs on electric vehicles from the UK for one year.Wall Street Review of Non-Farm Payrolls: Unexpectedly Strong, Federal Reserve Likely to Raise Rates in November! Opposing View: A Report Cannot Change the Overall SituationWeight loss pills impact food demand, Walmart: "Drug users" eat less and may impact the food industry.