离岸人民币涨破 7.27 关口内地资金正在大手笔抢筹港股!嗅到了什么?Nintendo is going all out on IP! They are planning to create a movie version of "The Legend of Zelda".OpenAI's first developer conference ignites optimism, Microsoft achieves eight consecutive gains, reaching a new all-time high.The Nasdaq and S&P 500 have achieved their longest consecutive gains in two years, with Microsoft reaching a new high. Oil prices have plummeted by 4%, while long-term bond yields have fallen by 10 basis points.bug 太多罕见叫停!苹果推迟开发明年新版 iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 软件Shared office star falls! WeWork files for bankruptcy, SoftBank's Masayoshi Son leaves behind a massive $11.5 billion loss, a black mark in history.Shares Of China-Based EHang Plunge 16% After Short Seller Hindenburg Claims "Fake Sales" And "Hollow Order Book"The fund manager who made a big profit from holding Nvidia still remains optimistic: there is still room for growth in the future.Sustainable Column | Low-carbon signal light turning? Shell Hydrogen to undergo significant layoffs花旗大裁员,次贷最受伤的人,这次要当 “吹哨人”?李强同澳大利亚总理阿尔巴尼斯会谈花旗:美股涨势恐面临风险Goldman Sachs: Why do we say that weight loss drugs could become a $100 billion business?港股反弹稳了?!Chen Maobo: The calm market reaction after Hong Kong relaxes "tough measures" is actually a good thing.小米 14 卖断货?有门店店员:已经第三批补货 Pro 机型全线缺货Berlin factory producing affordable cars? Indian factory in sight? Good news from Tesla!Option Jack:港股依然处于失落周期——悲观就是底,高额成交就是顶"Unicorn of the Sea" Shein plans to go public in the US! The target valuation is as high as $90 billion.国资为万科振臂高呼任天堂上调全年营收预期至 5000 亿日元Tesla will raise the selling price of Model Y in China.Hong Kong's overall domestic demand performance fell short of expectations, prompting Standard Chartered Bank to lower its forecast for the city's annual GDP growth.Short-term interest rates have fallen across the board in the past month, with one-month rates hitting a nearly two-month low.李家超:香港仍是世界最具竞争力经济体之一Morgan Stanley's renowned "Big Short" on US stocks: The recent strong rebound in US stocks may be short-lived.摩根大通转为看涨中国股市李家超:香港在全球经济体中仍然保持优势,将简化创业板发行人合规方面要求Is Youbao, a listed company, the survivor of unmanned retail?December FOMC Adding More Variables? Federal Reserve Voting Members Warn of Stubborn Inflation, Cannot Confirm End of Rate Hikes Yet* 高盛上调拼多多目标价至 155 美元 评级「买入」* 大和降中国平安评级至「沽售」目标价下调至 35 元The longest net buying record since August! Global funds are returning to the Chinese stock market one after another.比亚迪:元 PLUS 全球累销突破 50 万辆New Stock News: WUXI XDC starts its IPO today with an entrance fee of 10,404 yuan.特斯拉上涨的关键是什么?盈利增长能力!OpenAI 宣布 ChatGPT 每周活跃用户数量突破 1 亿ChatGPT 王炸升级!更强版 GPT-4 上线,API 定价打骨折,发布现场掌声没停过OpenAI's latest AI model is here! Users can build custom versions of ChatGPTThe balance of power between the bulls and bears in the US stock market has suddenly reversed! Hedge funds are entering the scene at the fastest pace in two years.In the past two weeks, there has been a net inflow of $1.1 trillion into the emerging markets! The bulls have returned, and growth stocks have outperformed the market."Non-farm payrolls day" Nasdaq hits its longest consecutive rise in over nine months, the US dollar rebounds from a seven-week low, and oil prices rise 2% during trading.Citigroup is set to embark on one of the largest layoffs on Wall Street in recent years, with a 10% reduction in certain business areas, particularly affecting senior executives.下一个 “拥挤” 交易——做空美元