Bank of America: Five reasons to support US stocks reaching a new high in 2024, with the S&P 500 surpassing 5000 points.Bulls continue to play music and dance! The "Big Seven" of the US stock market may continue their crazy bull market next year.Double down! Apple plans to expand battery production in India.Meta 和 IBM 成立「AI 联盟」!50 家知名机构加入,网友:AI 版复仇者联盟?中信集团党委书记迎新,原副董事长奚国华晋升投行人兼任独董争议暗起,海电运维 IPO 乘 “抢装潮” 东风后何去何从?Who grabbed the most NVIDIA GPUs this year?Breaking through the $44,000 mark! The prospect of a Bitcoin ETF boosts market confidence.Son Masayoshi "Fierce Investment" in Autonomous DrivingAfter regaining a market value of $3 trillion, can the "stock king" Apple continue to rise?比特币涨势凶猛 第三大比特币 “巨鲸” Robinhood 跟随收涨逾 10%就业市场降温助美债反弹,科技股给力纳指转涨,原油创五个月新低,比特币续创新高CCData:近期比特币涨势韩国加密货币交易员影响力跃升昔日 “救命恩人” 超 6 亿美元抛售!巴克莱遭卡塔尔大金主砍半减持蔚来电话会:自主制造成本将下降 10%,即将发布全新车型或成 “新标杆”黄金大涨后,下面轮到白银了?Mistral, a competitor of Open AI, is valued at nearly $2 billion and has prestigious shareholders such as A16z and Nvidia.Zhitong Hong Kong Stock 52-Week Highs and Lows Statistics | December 5thIBM has announced the release of a quantum computing chip and plans to build a supercomputer within 10 years.2027 年 Cybertruck 交付量有望达 60 万辆?!海归 “厂二代” 自救:Temu 崛起与中国外贸叙事变迁又是港股痛苦的一天!后市继续多灾多难?Meituan "Looking Inward"芯片,全面复苏?Meizu's entry into the automotive industry is fueled by GEELY AUTO's courage | Insight ResearchResponsibility Investment Forum | China Responsible Investment Annual Report 2023: China's responsible investment scale exceeds CNY 33 trillion.市场过度悲观?明年底恒指目标 19890 点!美股年末还会涨吗?华尔街狂泼冷水:反弹资金流动力已完全耗尽!Why did gold prices plummet and Bitcoin continue to rise after both broke through on Monday?全球药企的减肥梦How strong is the dovish expectation? The market prices in 5 interest rate cuts next year.药明生物暴跌,CXO 全线飘绿背后:缺少 “预言家” 的狼人杀金价的 “格林斯潘之谜”Swiss pharmaceutical giant enters the weight loss drug market! Roche acquires Carmot for $3.1 billion.Demand drops significantly + inadequate charging infrastructure, the European electric vehicle industry is in decline萨尔瓦多总统称该国的 BTC 投资盈利已超过 300 万美元胜利证券与 EMC Labs 联合推出合规比特币基金十大券商 2024 年经济展望:中国经济 “活力释放” 稳经济政策 “总体偏扩张”智通港股解盘 | CXO 逻辑生变遭遇滑铁卢 恒指空头排列宜保存实力美股异动 | 比特币飙升至 41800 美元 加密货币股盘前大涨助亿万富豪成功寻亲股价起飞 ,格灵深瞳年内能否扭亏J.P. Morgan's 2024 Commodity Outlook: Fed Rate Cuts Boosting Gold, Expected to Break Through $2300Zhitong Hong Kong Stock 52-week Highs and Lows Statistics | December 4th金价创高,黄金 ETF 热度升温