马斯克:我的公司从来没让投资者赔钱,特斯拉创造了最多的百万富翁员工韦德布什上调特斯拉目标价至 350 美元,预计明年市值重返 1 万亿美元民营连锁超市,告别进行时Breaking news! BlackRock wanted to take control of Huaping, but the negotiations fell through.Coinbase 在法国获得加密货币许可证报道:比亚迪最快周五宣布第一家欧洲工厂,落地匈牙利Tesla's mass production may be delayed! The production capacity of the 4680 battery is said to only meet 10% of the demand.新一轮房改启动,香港还是新加坡模式?存款利率迎年内第三次下调:长期限存款利率降幅更大,为何频繁下调Have you heard of the 'grain water tourists'? International rice prices have just hit a 15-year high.JPMorgan's view on the US stock market in 2024 | Pharmaceuticals: Will "weight loss giants" Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk continue to dominate?Ma Yun's most trusted person holds absolute power特斯拉成今年全球散户最爱个股Morgan Stanley's view on the US stock market in 2024: Will NVIDIA be ambushed by the "inference side" of the chip industry?Morgan Stanley: "Ten Unexpected Events That Could Impact the Global Market in 2024"Morgan Stanley's view on the US stock market in 2024 | Will the B-side of AI exceed expectations?美国考虑提高对中国电动汽车关税,外交部:“美式保护主义” 的升级版Car tech firm iMotion shares slump 13% in Hong Kong debut浙江省发改委:推动杭州市有序取消小客车限行限牌等政策AI iPhone Prelude? Apple publishes paper to solve "running large models on mobile memory"X 平台崩溃港股恒大汽车盘中大涨超 20%Goldman Sachs: What is the logic behind the "breakthrough at high levels" in the European and American stock markets next year?两大巨头的 “派对” 战争大摩:阿里非核心資產約值 670 億美元港股午後轉升 電動車股普跌亚市午盘:日本股市领跌亚股 标普 500 指数期货反弹拜登政府傳商討提高中國電動車等關稅理解市场 | 为什么美联储 “转鸽” 不再是买入信号?汇丰研究:内地新能源车定价压力可能会持续 偏好比亚迪及理想汽车Cryptocurrencies are going crazy again! Dogecoin leads the surge of altcoins, and Bitcoin briefly surpasses $44,000.理解市场 | 明年美股为何可能继续跌?谁能挑战英伟达 CUDA?Goldman Sachs: The US dollar is overvalued by about 14%-15%.亚市早盘:亚洲股市下跌 追随隔夜美国股市跌势Understanding the Market | Suddenly Crashed! What Happened to the Overnight US Stock Market?A Landmark Event! After a decade of "zero interest rates on deposits," the Japanese banking industry has started raising interest rates.ChatGPT 新增聊天存档功能,可构建自己的聊天数据库啦!2024 年中国货币政策的三个 “锚”Dovish officials refute optimistic market expectations: Rate cuts are necessary, but not immediateChip recovery is improving, Micron Tech's previous quarter's revenue exceeded expectations by nearly 16%, and this quarter's guidance is even stronger. After the market closed, the stock jumped more than 5% | Earnings Report押中美股反弹的少数机构预计 2024 年还能进一步上涨US stocks plummeted in the afternoon, with SPDR S&P 500 experiencing its largest decline in nearly three months. The Nasdaq ended its nine-day winning streak. UK inflation slowed down, and UK bonds surged.标普 500 指数的 11 个板块全线溃败,科技板块连续三天创新高之后回调