Buy and let go! Securities firm: NVIDIA's stock price in 2024 is safe"ESG" Is There No Turning Back?NVIDIA's "pharmaceutical ambition" is becoming clearer: "AI pharmaceuticals" is not hype特斯拉或在华减产,发生了什么?Small-cap stocks are more attractive! Wall Street's most optimistic analyst: Russell 2000 index will rise by 50% this year!鲍威尔表态后,6 月降息稳了?Betting on "No Rebound after Stopping Medication"! Pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson's new strategy for weight loss drugsWeekly Tech Stock Overview: Hong Kong and US Tech Giants Experience "Two Extremes"!Oaktree Capital's Howard Marks: Understanding the Uncertainty of the WorldHong Kong stocks may continue to fluctuate in the short term! How to trade?Why can NVIDIA rise? This is the bullish answerMcKinsey: Chinese consumers' acceptance of new energy vehicles is swinging for the first time in history, with limited direct impact from price warsWill the thriving NVIDIA become the next Amazon AWS in its heyday?Morgan Stanley bear Wilson: Global stock market rise not due to fundamentals, but because financial environment too looseElon Musk: The progress of FSD is no longer limited by AI training computing powerHBM 竞争,白热化港美股休市提醒来了!2 月腾讯《王者荣耀》吸金 2.48 亿美元美联储最青睐通胀指标来袭!美股一季度能否完美收官?"Antitrust" crisis is on the rise, will Alphabet-C and Apple face "dismemberment"?Hong Kong Stock Market Movement | Non-ferrous stocks lead the gains in the morning session, institutions state that the improvement in domestic and international macroeconomic expectations continues to catalyze the prices of base metals南向资金支撑港股力度加强!鲍威尔为何点燃市场?美联储的 “忧虑”:失业率突然激增民生牟一凌:货币终将对实物资产贬值全球减肥药物研发格局一览港股医药股高开 药明巨诺涨近 14%Hong Kong Stock Market Update | Meituan opens nearly 5% higher, Q4 adjusted net profit increases more than 4 times year-on-year港股开盘:恒生指数涨 0.2%,恒生科技指数涨 0.39%,药明生物涨超 5%中国恒大撤回美国破产保护申请阿里为什么对 B 站失去耐心了?李想微博噤声的 20 天美国能源业最重磅会议:AI 的尽头是 “天然气、煤炭和核电站”2024 互联网大厂广告生意指南中金公司:建议先债后股,债券当前性价比更高Breakfast | Goldman Sachs is bullish on the S&P 500 to 6000 points, "US-China relations have rebounded from the bottom"定位先进制造,境内 “头部” 公司双双上新“巴菲特指标” 创两年新高,拉响股市泡沫警报Goldman Sachs: In addition to retail investors, hedge funds are also returning to the cryptocurrency marketGoldman Sachs: Valuation of tech giants is far from a bubble, SPDR S&P 500 may rise another 15% this year, breaking through 6000 points!比特币大起大落 行情比 “过山车” 刺激The better the macro situation, the weaker the Japanese yen? Goldman Sachs sees the Japanese yen falling to 155 in the short termFirst-hand feedback: How is the customer acceptance of AI software from Microsoft, Oracle, and Snowflake?HSBC: Is the current US stock market a bubble?三星 AI 芯片,正式叫板英伟达,拿下 1 万亿韩元订单14 年来首次营收下滑,中信银行也 “卷” 不动了The biggest risk for NVIDIA is NVIDIA itself?