摩根大通策略师:美国股市可能还有进一步下跌的空间Gold peaked? UBS: Without new catalysts, current levels may remain volatile公募基金重仓 “新面孔”!曾经的 “爱答不理”,现在的 “高攀不起”Going against Morgan Stanley! UBS pessimistic about performance and downgrades ratings of six giants including NVIDIA to "Neutral"What else can the US dollar rely on to continue rising?Report: SoftBank to invest $960 million to enhance artificial intelligence computing power生椰拿铁,在新加坡 “塌房” 了Pre-market trading in US stocks | Li Auto plunges 7%, Tesla drops over 2%! Cryptocurrency concept stocks soar!AI 即将演化为一场泡沫Rating Quick Look | Netflix, Bilibili Target Price Raised! Tencent, Kuaishou "Buy", JD, NetEase Face "Price Cut"New Stock Grey Market | Chabaida falls more than 10% on its debutTop 10 HK Stock Losers (4.22)Top 10 HK Stock Gainers (4.22)Top 5 HK Stock Gainers/Losers (>100B) (4.22)Crisis approaching? Morgan Stanley: The United States has only "a few years" to solve the ongoing debt issueTop-performing new energy vehicles are also forced to lower prices | Jianzhi Research理想汽车跟随特斯拉加入价格战:股价跌破 100 港元 股价面临腰斩US Stock Options | Nvidia, Netflix trading volume doubles! SMCI, ARM trading volume surgesInstitution: U.S. stocks enter the accumulation zone, with three steps to increase positionsBearish sentiment lingers in the US stock market, "buying the dip" still carries risks美国国务卿布林肯将访华华为 “截胡” 小米,用小米 SU7 订单买智界 S7,华为门店:减免 5000 元美股 AI 板块暴跌:盈利将受考验,关注宏观不确定性"Replacement wave" for AI PCs? Chip and PC manufacturers can't wait, but the enterprise side is still watchingMarket Insight | Bitcoin concept stocks surge, Xun'an Technology rises more than 7% as Bitcoin breaks through $66,000 in the short termThe most outstanding Chinese trader on Wall Street: once earned $100 million a yearUnderstanding the Market | OSL Group Rises Nearly 6% in the Afternoon, Bitcoin Returns to $66,000, Hong Kong Approves Bitcoin Ethereum Spot ETF24/7 stock trading in the US coming soon? NYSE conducts survey with market participantsIntel Corporation's Low P/S No Reason For Excitement特斯拉多头为何降低评级12306 客服回应 “第三方平台用技术抢票”:也是候补Report: Apple ramps up AI competition with self-developed large on-device modelsTech Stock Weekly Recap: Across-the-board plunge! Tesla, Nvidia plummeted 14% in a week!Mass layoffs and Model 2 delay, Musk "All In" on RoboTaxi and FSD腾讯大涨 5.5%,《DNF 手游》定档 ,有望贡献可观收入内地五措施支持香港金融市场 惟短期影响有限有人上周五花 800 美元买入英伟达零日看跌期权,账户金额当天飙升至 10 万美元“不降息”!中国 4 月 1 年期、5 年期 LPR 均维持不变一夜跌没 15350 亿元!芯片巨头英伟达,会不会步特斯拉后尘?港股科技指数成份股多数走强 网易涨近 4%Will the US stock market be saved this week? The Federal Reserve's "favorite" inflation indicator, and the financial reports of tech giants are coming字节又和微信杠上了美股 “抄底” 机会来了?专家:建议逢低买入,标普 500 有望升破 5400 点学习 Citadel,大宗商品掀 “军备竞赛”:AI 和大数据第一批投大模型的 VC,开始卖老股了?