Sam clarifies in the article: It's time for the Fed to cut interest rates!8 月 7 日美股成交额前 20:超微电脑业绩未达标,股价重挫逾 20%BlackRock: Bullish on short-term government bonds and credit bonds, maintaining overweight on Japanese stocks苹果:全球科技巨头 AI 时代开启新成长Analysis of US Stock IPOs | Net profit drops by 40%, will Junyu Engineering's US financing also struggle to gain market favor?Why did Pacific Securities, AMS, which is in the same line as Asma, collapse?Risk aversion sentiment in the market recedes, European and American bonds fall one after anotherPowell won't let the market determine rate cutsProduction capacity returning from India to China, why can't Apple live without Chinese manufacturing?"Fade trade" overheated? Interest rate pricing does not show that the Federal Reserve is "behind the curve"ITOCHU Corporation seeks to privatize Descente, while the impact on Anta's domestic agency remains uncertain"Saw Rule" Proposer: The US job market has changed. The "Saw Rule" as a "recession indicator" has become ineffectiveThe recent sharp drop in US stocks may have revealed the beginning of the bursting of the AI bubble!Consumer giants seek growth in China, sports brands shineUS Stock IPO Preview | SmartCharge Technology: Delivery growth slows down, profit volatility "roller coaster""Wall Street" Soothes the Market: Recession Concerns Overdone, Risk Assets May See a ReboundNorthbound Fund Flow | Northbound funds net bought 11.673 billion Hong Kong dollars, domestic funds continue to increase their holdings in Hong Kong stocks ETF, rushing to subscribe to Tracker Fund with over 5.6 billion Hong Kong dollarsI've been saying that there will be a rate cut in July! Be prepared for bigger fluctuationsThe recession is just a "bogeyman," the Federal Reserve is not behind the curve at all?Airbnb: Is there a downgrade in travel consumption?Today's Important News Review | Dolphin Investment Research港股三大指数全日飘红 恒指收涨 1.38% 中国宏桥涨 4.96%JD's billion-dollar subsidy will undergo a major adjustment: Beauty becomes a key subsidy categoryThe Federal Reserve will cut interest rates by at least 100 basis points this year? Analysts advise you to stay calmHuayuan Securities: New and old paradigms resonate, continue to be optimistic about the gold sector's allocation opportunities amid expectations of interest rate cutsNovo Nordisk's pre-market drop by 5.5% in US stocksUber: How big is the impact of autonomous drivingIt is expected that with the launch of the three-motor and four-motor versions, Rivian's Q4 single vehicle ASP will continue to rise (2Q24 minutes)The ladies are holding up Miu MiuGF Securities: Gold is expected to continue to hit new highs in August, while base metals are expected to stop falling and reboundThe root of "Black Monday": the moment of reckoning for loose policiesBank of Japan sends a dovish signal Analysts: The future upside potential of the Japanese Yen will weakenMarket Analysis | XPENG-W drops nearly 4% as car sales lag behind, with only a 23% achievement rate for the full-year delivery target"The Big Short on Wall Street": S&P 500 Index will fall to 5000 in October!潮水退去?3 万亿美元市值公司仅剩苹果一家Originator of "Sam Rule" echoes Goldman Sachs CEO: The Fed does not need to cut interest rates in advanceIf the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates urgently, it will make two "huge mistakes"!Just now, the Bank of Japan "surrendered"The dovish comments from the Bank of Japan can be described as a "tonic"! Asian stock markets collectively celebrate as the Japanese stock market goes from the ICU to the KTVSam Rule proposer: The Fed does not need to cut interest rates urgently中央广电总台联手爱奇艺及腾讯等 推出 “国漫经典共创计划”Market behavior is too abnormal! Many strategists are backing: now is the time of "greed"Liu Qiangdong wants to push low prices to the limitHong Kong Stock Concept Tracking | The gradual "public utility" transformation of the coal industry is reshaping sector valuations (with concept stocks attached)Why "halve" Apple? Buffett's rule for buying tech stocks: sell if it exceeds 30 times!苹果 AI 转型有望缓解谷歌裁决的冲击Nomura: BOJ's timing for rate hike is appropriate, arbitrage trading unwinding not yet completeGF Securities: Game version number released in August, Meta increases AI investment for 24 yearsMarket Insight | CKI Holdings rises by over 3%, Daiwa expects the remaining time of the year to highlight the hedging value of Hong Kong utility stocks, Morgan Stanley's view turns positiveMarket Insight | Tencent Music-SW surges over 6% again, Morgan Stanley expects its second-quarter performance and third-quarter guidance to slightly exceed market expectations