马斯克:OpenAI 因为有我才能存在,名字都是我起的李彦宏:过去十年一直在投资 AI,现在底子丰厚,能从生成式 AI 中获得更大价值马斯克再谈线下复工:居家办公在道德上是错误的马斯克:全球经济面临艰难一年,很多公司将破产股东大会马斯克放话:今年 Model Y 地球销量第一、特斯拉要试水打广告贝莱德要求员工每周必须去办公室四天债务上限担忧令美股尾盘跌幅扩大,道指跌 1%,纳指转跌,黄金失守 2000 美元郭明錤:iPhone 16 Pro 显示屏更大,可配潜望镜头,苹果 MR 头显很可能下月亮相美银客户四周来首次抛美股,机构、对冲基金、散户全在抛,医疗保健成避风港区域银行的白衣骑士没了?摩根大通 CEO 称可能不会买更多问题银行巨头价格战打响!继阿里云之后,腾讯云、移动云先后宣布降价,最高降幅达 60%高盛最新研判:高配中国股票Learning from History: The possibility of NASDAQ Composite Index entering a bull market may be false!The US debt is approaching its limit again, will the volatility of US stocks intensify?Target price of HKD 445! TENCENT's gaming business welcomes new progress and will cooperate with NVIDIA.Has the day come to an end when technology giants "crush" bank stocks?Pre-market trading in US stocks | Tesla tightens recruitment, Baidu Cloud achieves profitability, Buffett increases holdings in Apple.传言落地,富途、老虎双双回应:境内应用商店拟下架相关 APP,存量客户不受影响Financial Report is out | "Southeast Asian Tencent" Sea drops 10% in pre-market! Profit falls short of expectations, digital entertainment business slows significantly.被传 “因心脏病发作去世”,索罗斯发推辟谣:我还活着,很健康"Zhongtegu" heat short-term decline, how to allocate Hong Kong stocks?巴菲特清仓台积电,是预见 “芯片第一定律” 失效?一篇二十年前的讲话,看当前的 “金特估”Earnings Report is Out | BIDU-SW Surges Nearly 5% in Pre-Market Trading! All Indicators Exceed Expectations, Q1 Net Profit Soars by 48%Big speed read | Meta Platforms rating and target price both significantly raised! TENCENT still has 40% upside potential?百度美股盘前一度拉涨 4.8%,首季经调净利超预期Apple's April product sales plummeted by 18%! But Wall Street still remains optimistic.新兴市场降息潮要来了?野村:韩国最快 8 月,印度 10 月港股恒指尾盘翻红,恒生科技指数收涨 0.83%,传媒、半导体领涨US Stock Options | Over 80% of Alibaba's Call Options, Meta's Forward Call Transactions Soar美银调查:投资者增加股票配置,“做空银行” 和 “做空美元” 是最拥挤的交易麦当劳中国称今年全年预计招募超过 15 万名员工中国版 “微软 +OpenAI” 来了!| 见智研究Read 13F | Significantly reduce PDD's! Bridgewater is buying Alphabet-C, Microsoft and Meta Platforms in the first quarter.关于苹果 MR 的消息,这里都整理清楚了大摩 Q1 持仓:仍重仓明星科技股 大幅增持 SPDR 标普 500 指数 ETF中国零售业务复苏,名创优品 Q3 净利润大涨超 3 倍,创历史新高重磅内幕:OpenAI 即将开源新模型!开源社区的繁荣,全靠大厂 “施舍”?Understanding 13F | Hillhouse's Q1 buying spree on PDD! Increased holdings for Alibaba and BIDU-SW, while JD.com suffered significant reduction.Understanding 13F | The Stock God still loves Apple, but completely abandons TSMC!腾讯 VS 百度:在 AI 上下大赌注巴菲特又买近 220 万股西方石油,持股达 24%