Baidu-SW is intensively training the Wenxin Big Model 4.0 and plans to release it at the Baidu World Conference.港股要迎 “智能驾驶第一股”?实际上…特斯拉推出 Cybertruck 官方账号,前 1 万个关注者将获赠 Cybertruck港股上午因台风 “小犬” 将暂停交易安信证券:比亚迪 9 月销量表现优异,高端化战略稳步推进Geopolitical tensions resurface, is the appeal of safe-haven assets on the rise?Crushing the food industry, benefiting the clothing industry! "Miracle weight-loss drug" reshaping consumer behavior?2024 款新岚图梦想家预售首日订单量突破 4000 台Market Analyst: Oil prices are expected to "rise" on Monday, with limited overall impact, but the premise is "not to escalate".ExxonMobil's bold bet on shale oil has ushered in a new era of "mega-mergers" in the oil industry.Yu Chengdong asks the industry, "Resurrecting from the dead"下周前瞻 | 华尔街大行财报季开启!美国 9 月 CPI、PPI,多名美联储官员讲话OpenAI 自研芯片,有何独特之处?Fifty years ago, there was also a Middle East war, followed by the "oil crisis".Who is the ideal real opponent in the field? | Insights from Dolphin Research中金:博弈美国利率 “冲高回落”,现在逐步分段配置可能是不错的策略Israel's "Pearl Harbor moment"! The "bloody assist" of oil prices?"Buff stacking" addictive? Bank wealth management fast redemption limit increased to 1.5 millionNew Street Research:重申台积电 “买入” 评级 目标价 700 元新台币对标 iPhone!小米 14 将配备定制国产极窄 1.5k 高刷屏Jinghua Optics, a delisted company, plans to relist through a second listing and aims to sprint towards an IPO. Will the betting agreement make the Beijing Stock Exchange "unofficially" qualified for listing?小米在武汉、深圳成立景明科技公司汽车价格战,有赢家吗?美国汽车工人罢工进入第四周 工会呼吁继续抗争巴以冲突已致双方近 500 人死亡白宫高官:美以正就为以色列提供军援谈判,但国会情况让问题复杂化从 2016 年到 2023 年,谷歌共卖出 3790 万部 Pixel 系列手机微软放弃对 OneDrive 的更改,原计划会导致照片存储在相册时占用两倍存储空间遥遥领先友商!曝荣耀新折叠屏应用稀土镁合金:重量厚度将刷新纪录iPhone 15 Pro 首发用户遇到一堆糟心事:苹果品控堪忧曝华为今年还有 5 款机型将要上市 旗舰配置迎来下放!这届十一黄金周消费大盘:有恢复,无 “报复”1 个问题 4 年还没解决?聊聊 iPhone 15 系列的 “鬼影” 问题巴以冲突为何骤然升级?哈马斯出其不意,以色列措手不及上海新房成交同比大幅增长,二手房想快速成交仍需 “主动降价”Mysterious researcher "stirs up trouble", quantitative hedge fund giant attracts attention again in the "whirlpool"Trillion-dollar Strong Accumulation Fund - Hong Kong's largest long position has increased!如何躲避 “美债风暴”?高盛:机构们都在做这个交易中国缘何连续 11 个月增持黄金储备?业内人士:受四重因素影响手机大变局2023 年 10 月票房破 20 亿