瑞银:下调腾讯目标价至 419 港元 评级买入Wall Street sentiment index is close to release "buy" signal, S&P 500 may rise 16% next year.Strong signals of recovery, why are US chip stocks still hovering below summer highs?谁能颠覆英伟达?Historical drop in stock price! Estée Lauder's share price has plummeted.New Stock Performance: Guoquan opens at 5.98 yuanOffice AI pre-order is now available! Microsoft has announced pricing: $30 per month, with a minimum order of 300 accounts.丰田汽车将为其美国工厂大部分工人加薪近 9%Good news for the mobile phone market! Qualcomm's sales guidance for this quarter unexpectedly strengthened, with the stock rising more than 4% after hours. | Earnings Report纳斯达克 100 指数上涨 1%,成分股 AMD 涨超 6% 领跑Plunging 20%, the "world's leading offshore wind power company" has once again encountered a major setback!First sales broke records, Xiaomi 14 sold like hotcakes!Warning signals are frequent! "Weak demand" becomes a hot topic at European and American earnings conference calls.蚂蚁蚁盾在云栖大会发布 “知识交互建模引擎”New Energy Vehicle Delivery Ranking in October: NIO surpasses 40,000 units, Li Auto sees fifth consecutive month of negative YoY growth.Yen weakness boosts sales, Toyota's operating profit doubles | Earnings Report InsightsNo suspense in pausing rate hikes? Tonight, focus on the Federal Reserve.比亚迪的劲敌杀回来了人形机器人大事件,马斯克预告月底将进行 “行走测试”,行业 “0-1” 拐点提速"Honest" Tesla: After the earnings report, once again downplaying its own company, warning that mass production of Tesla is "very difficult"美国官员称中美双方原则同意在旧金山举行首脑会谈,中方回应小摩减持赣锋锂业约 141.48 万股 每股作价约 31.61 港元抄底美股的 “千载难逢” 机会来了?投资机构高喊:企业利润起飞中天风宋雪涛:金融工作会议的三个关键词资金面紧张 “只是暂时的”?央行今日净回笼 1090 亿ChatGPT 真实参数只有 200 亿,首次被微软曝光!网友:难怪 OpenAI 对开源很紧张美联储决议今夜来袭!“鹰派暂停” 已无悬念,鲍威尔将继续 “走钢丝”芒格、巴菲特为何投资苹果?Pfizer Earnings Report: Investors are only concerned about "oral weight loss medication"Musk: Tesla plans to produce 200,000 Cybertrucks per year.万物云港股一度涨超 12%,拟回购至多 6.32 亿港元 H 股阿里云创始人王坚:云计算就是计算领域的交流电美股杀估值后如何投资?小摩给出答案:买入价值股港媒:随着中美关系缓和,美方预计将派 “最强大代表团” 参加进博会金融工作会议:“金融强国” 的新义与深意美股两日连涨但连跌三个月,10 月特斯拉跌价两成、日元和油价跳水AI 助手 Copilot 来了!微软 Windows 11 重磅升级为新 PC 芯片站台:高通称超越苹果英特尔最佳产品美股连跌三个月,多头迎来希望:11 月是历史表现最好月份十月收官日:美股跌幅收窄,标普率先转涨,油价涨 1%,长债收益率继续下滑华尔街个股杠杆 ETF 押注特斯拉、英伟达,涨跌两倍!巴菲特再次减持比亚迪 持股比例降至 8% 以下如果连万科也遭遇做空