斗鱼方面证实 CEO 陈少杰失联已近三周港股年末反弹行情能否再现?蚂蚁百灵 AI 大模型将向公众开放港股汽车股多数高开 理想汽车涨近 5%恒指高开 1.41%,恒生科技指数涨 2.25%After experiencing a wave of valuation killings, the US stock market is poised for a major rebound before the end of the year.最新爆料!ChatGPT 正走向 Character AI,是 AI 的 App Store 终极模式么?Everyone is learning from Microsoft and Nvidia! The so-called "bold bet on AI" by tech giants: investing to generate revenue and gain a competitive edge.The AI community is getting more exciting as Tesla's large-scale model has arrived!Berkshire Hathaway, under the helm of Warren Buffett, has released its Q3 earnings report: operating profit increased by 40% YoY, while stock market losses amounted to $24.1 billion. The company now holds a record high of $157.2 billion in cash reserves.Luckin Coffee faces price warThe cooling job market and the end of interest rate hikes have stabilized the situation! The US stock and bond markets are in a frenzy, with major stock indices achieving their best weekly performance in a year on Wednesday. Chinese concept stocks are also surging.Shipping giant "struggling through the winter"! Maersk announces layoffs of at least 10,000 people, stock price plunges 17%.周君芝:从财政预算看中国未来发展的结构性趋势Arrogant Toyota, making a fortune from gasoline carsSelling 40,000 units per month, the ideal is sharpened with determination."Cost reduction and efficiency improvement" has reached the new energy vehicle industry? Li Bin of NIO: The company will reduce about 10% of its workforce.香港股票印花税最早本月 17 日下调“五方势力” 割据!一文看懂全球人形机器人行业格局NIO "A Healing Process"18 万户股东注意了,光大证券回应上市项目储备,高度关注在审项目舆情技术面不再阻碍标普 500 指数年底反弹!港股收评:科网股走强 港股放量上涨航运巨头马士基将裁员 1 万人 因运费下降令盈利能力承压大摩:下调 AMD 目标价至 128 美元 评级 “增持”港股 11 月怎么看?积极信号越来越多!What did Apple say during the phone call?李宁失速,都是 “打折” 闹的?海通证券 “回应” 投资者辛辣提问:三季度为何业绩同比下降?如何平衡大股东和小股东利益?手握万块 A100 芯片,量化巨头幻方发布通用大模型!新加坡股市 2 日报:小米 5 倍做空权证遭大量抛售Legendary American investor Ron Baron is confident in Tesla's future, predicting that its market value will rise to $4 trillion in the next decade!王坚归来后,阿里云变得不一样了Guotai Junan: Market response to hawkish signals begins to weaken, short-term trend in US stocks is expected to be difficult to determine.个人养老金参与人数突破 4000 万 上线 695 只产品Chinese sales decline, holiday sales are worrying, "the leading technology giant in the US stock market" Apple shows weakness.The most influential Apple analyst on the planet, Ming-Chi Kuo: In 2024, India will produce 20-25% of iPhones.苹果 CEO 库克:对中国市场长期前景 “非常乐观”库克:预计下一财季 Mac 业务将出现增长"Wall Street's number one" rarely faces criticism! Odeon Capital downgrades JPMorgan Chase's rating.