陈茂波:香港不再需要 “辣招”!预算案 “兼顾长短”阿里 “太子” 的两次撤退这是本周决定美股走势的两件大事!利率最高冲到 10%!这类存款近期爆 “火”农夫山泉回应,热搜爆了!钟睒睒:网上出现大量对我个人及农夫山泉的诋毁,这绝非宗老所乐见阻击马化腾,丁磊 “大出血”针对 Shein 和 Temu?挤压中国电商,美政客嚷嚷对小额包裹下手量化大厂开始 “布局” 东南亚日经 225 指数首次突破 40,000 点Breakfast | This week's focus on the testimony of Federal Reserve Chairman Powell, NVIDIA may once again enter the handheld gaming console market.比特币一个月飙升 45% 价格剧烈波动风险陡增造车新势力 2 月份交付环比普降 以价换量 “价格战” 持续升温理想汽车发布 2024 各车型全国统一零售价 本月开启交付理想 MEGA,能卖得过宝马 X5 吗?全面 “撤辣” 后首个周末,香港楼市爆了!北向单月流入已超去年全年,大举加码科技行业,抄底次新Vietnam outperformed Japanese stocks and the S&P Biotech Index in chip stocks. | Overseas Major Asset Weekly ReportDell Technologies is rumored to release the NVIDIA B200 next year, with a power consumption of up to 1000W. The ultimate benefit for AI is: energy?追赶 Mag 7,这是欧洲巨头的机会比特币现货 ETF 要来了?多家基金香港子公司摩拳擦掌天风宋雪涛:2024 金价有望再创新高Full Interview with AMD CTO: Surging Demand for AI Inference Chips, GPU Supply Shortage Will Surely EaseThe first tech IPO in the US this year! "American Reddit" Reddit is planning to be valued at $6.5 billion.挑战英伟达,需要另辟蹊径Guosheng Securities: Bitdeer officially announces self-developed mining machines, expecting more mining companies to join the game in the future.AI 硬件暴涨的一晚Backed by tech giants, is the founder of Figure AI the "Musk 2.0"?比小鹏、问界都贵,谁给了理想 MEGA 勇气?Loose expectations are heating up, US bonds surged, gold hit a historic high, US, European, and Japanese stocks had a strong start in March, NVIDIA's market value exceeded 2 trillion, while NYCB bank in the crisis-stricken area experienced a sharp decline.每 100 天增加约 1 万亿美元!美国债务接近 34.4 万亿美元Sam Altman's personal wealth has reached at least $2 billion, not including his stake in OpenAI!The Federal Reserve's semi-annual monetary policy report: Still highly vigilant about inflation risks, warning of fragility in financial stability.郭明錤:资本市场早就不在意苹果是否要开发苹果电动汽车这件事香港地产隐贵背刺碧桂园对当前经济形势的几个判断小鹏汽车:2 月 29 日上午发生的小鹏 P7 交通事故发生前车辆状态正常,未开启辅助驾驶功能美股前瞻 | 美联储官员密集发声:今年降息两到三次加密货币总市值突破 2.4 万亿美元工行新任副行长 “就位”The fifth domestic CAR-T therapy has arrived in China: CARSGEN-B approved for the treatment of multiple myeloma.Baruch, the Wall Street genius: The crowd is always wrong!WSB Hot Topic | Celsius soared 75 times in four years, surged 20% overnightAI、减肥药、比特币,二月 “信则灵”!Tesla is suing OpenAI and its CEO Ultraman, demanding that OpenAI be open-sourced.Wall Street Hunts For Next AI Gold Mine After Nvidia's Meteoric Rise美股 “七姐妹” 和欧股 “十一罗汉” 的热度还能持续多久?Facing the high levels of the US stock market, Barclays has proposed an intervention strategy: using call options to "bet big with a small investment."