Morgan Stanley bearish analyst Wilson: The Fed has given a reason to be bullish on US stocks until 2024The Bank of Japan remains as steady as a rock: it has maintained negative interest rates as scheduled and has not released any signals of easing! As a result, the Japanese yen plummeted.阿里巴巴驰援甘肃积石山 首批 5 万多箱应急物资发出The escalating tension has caused several liquefied natural gas tankers to change course and leave the Red Sea.Shanghai's green license plate policy is tightening again. How big is the impact? | Insight Research高途 CEO 回应在线人数跌超 9 成:真正的高手要有平常心中信建投:历次美国降息周期中 哪类大类资产表现最好?上周五单日吸金 208 亿美元!“美股 ETF 标杆” 标普 SPY“从没见过这么多钱”解读美联储:明年政策会转向么?Fed's Daly: To prevent excessive tightening, rate cuts may be needed next yearHong Kong Stock Concept Tracking | Red Sea Crisis Affects Global Supply Chain, Multiple Airlines Suspend Flights and Push up International Gas Prices, Highlighting the Value of Natural Gas Asset Allocation (with Concept Stocks)Big mistake! The most pessimistic bears on Wall Street are turning around: willing to let go of their arrogance and take a more optimistic view of the future market.What does the "Red Sea blockade" mean when oil prices soar, shipping stocks surge, global capacity is reduced by 20%, and Israel's imports are affected by 30%?Grayscale Investments CEO: The US SEC should approve multiple spot Bitcoin ETF applications simultaneously.中金:在中国保障房市场行将演进之前的一些思考Several shipping companies have temporarily suspended the Red Sea route, posing more threats to global trade disruptions.多款 Apple Watch 为何在美停售?The Federal Reserve's shift has led to the first "net short position" in the US dollar in three months. Goldman Sachs predicts that the US dollar "will continue to decline."客户被 “欺诈” 也要自行承担 30% 亏损,典型案例判了Tencent shuts US video games studio Team Kaiju — sourceNIO Inc. surged 9% in pre-market trading, securing a new round of strategic investment from the Middle East worth $2.2 billion.FTX has submitted a new restructuring plan to return billions of dollars to creditors.* 高盛引述小鹏-W 管理层指目前扩大销量至关重要 对本季毛利率看法正面马云开卖贻贝和大黄鱼Hong Kong dollar short-term interest rates rebounded, with two-week interbank rates rising sharply by 77 basis points to reach 5%.东方甄选昨日 GMV 预估 1 亿以上,观看人次接近 7000 万解读美联储:未来如何降息?中信证券:车企下场加速布局 超充桩产业链有望受益华泰证券:全球通胀下行速度超预期的宏观含义After the major shift by the Federal Reserve, increasing holdings of short-term US bonds has become the new consensus on Wall Street.阿里减持小鹏套现 3.91 亿美元 持股降至 7.5%SenseTime-W: Tang Xiaoyou indirectly converted 6.906 billion Class A shares into Class B shares.三个月整存整取利率攀上 1.5%,部分银行年末 “发红包”俞敏洪:东方甄选将很快启动一轮大调整,包括董宇辉等主播薪资京沪新政落地首个周末:有二手房置换客买大 20 平米,新楼盘到访量提升 50%The private credit market in the blockchain sector has rebounded, with a growth of 55% year-to-date.外资看财报「甲骨文」:云计算开支不及预期Morgan Stanley's Zhu Haibin: It is expected that the fiscal deficit rate will remain at 3.8% next year. The central bank is expected to cut interest rates by 10 basis points and reserve requirements by 75 basis points. | Alpha Summit谷歌这一年:从恐慌到豪赌,All In AI 大战李彦宏:AI 出现 70 年来完全不一样的机会,几百个模型是对社会资源巨大浪费董宇辉粉丝数已突破 2000 万 东方甄选 CFO:新东方的故事总会有个圆满结局罗永浩 “炮轰” 东方甄选