交易提示:因 “华盛顿诞辰纪念日” 2 月 19 日美股休市一天比特币飙升重返 5 万美元 夏季前有望突破 6 万大关!被严重高估!这一危险信号正不断闪烁 或预示美股至少暴跌 20%The Bitcoin halving is approaching, whose stock price will decline?The European Union has issued its first antitrust fine against Apple, totaling over $500 million!MEDIA-Chinese car rental firm eHi is said to weigh $300mln US IPO- Bloomberg NewsUnderstanding the market | How similar are the gains of the "Seven Sisters of US Stocks" to the bubble period of Sci-Tech stocks?《热辣滚烫》票房冲高,“贾玲概念股” Keep 逆市涨超 10%Analyst: Regardless of whether NVIDIA's earnings report is good or bad, it will put an end to the rising trend of US stocks.Weekly Tech Stock Recap: Hong Kong tech giants all rose! Alphabet-C and Apple declined.HTSC A-share strategy: Positive factors are emerging, post-holiday allocation can be appropriately steady and progressive.NVIDIA "looking up" to Intel for more than two decades, under the AI trend, is ready to soar to new heights.Hong Kong Stock Market Update: AINNOVATION surged over 11% in early trading. Shareholders have committed not to reduce their holdings after the lock-up period expires. Institutions stated that the company's large-scale model has already achieved results.On the eve of the IPO, 18A company Shenghe Biotechnology received a lifesaving investment from a private equity firm, once again gearing up for a listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.特斯拉掉队,英伟达冲锋!Why has Sony's market value evaporated by about $10 billion?Strategy | Can Hong Kong stocks continue the "Chinese New Year offensive"?中国中免股价跳水超 7% 春节后三个交易日累涨超 15%港股靛蓝星复盘一度暴涨 94%Nintendo's stock in Japan experienced the largest intraday decline in a year due to the delay of the release of Switch 2.Is Auntie from Shanghai's "appearance anxiety" only relieved by opening a store?Zhitong Decision Reference | Hong Kong stocks have further upward momentum, focusing on real estate.奥特曼造芯、Sora 炸场与英伟达 RTX——AI 关键词:“大力出奇迹”Goldman Sachs has raised its target for the SPDR S&P 500 to 5200 points for the second time in two months, as tech stock performance exceeds expectations.This year has already risen by 50%, and some hedge funds have already made $1 billion from NVIDIA.Breakfast | Federal Reserve officials will speak intensively, investors are crazy about betting on NVIDIA call options.Hong Kong Stock Concept Tracking | OpenAI's first text-to-video model Sora is a hit! Computing power is expected to become a hot investment direction (with concept stocks)春节 “科技七巨头” 市值排位洗牌:微软谷歌 AI 大斗法,英伟达狂飙至第三Will there be no interest rate cut this year? Maybe even a rate hike? Will the Federal Reserve be embarrassed again?龙年开年举 “龙旗”,新年第一股自带好兆头?“拼多多” 们的参差:Temu 杀疯,Wish 卖身比特币站上 52000 美元/枚海外股市 “坏消息” 压不倒,“韧性” 源于三线索:经济、宽松、盈利全球十大对冲基金 Q4 美股持仓:科技股仍是主线 近半数买英伟达Google Gemini 1.5 并不比 OpenAI 差!800 亿美元!OpenAI 估值九个月涨两倍扎克伯格回应与苹果竞争降息的艺术OpenAI 视频生成模型横空出世,Shutterstock 市值暴跌,马斯克回应“隐藏贬值” 已达 3 成!美国商业地产崩盘全面爆发特斯拉回应 Cybertruck 淋雨后生锈:擦擦就好马斯克暗示:OpenAI 的视频生成技术,特斯拉一年前就掌握了假期最火 OpenAI Sora:特点有哪些?缺点又有哪些?OpenAI 取消 GPT-4 Turbo 所有每日限制!“股神” 巴菲特大量抛售苹果股票!四季度减持市值约 131 亿元新茶饮港股 IPO 竞赛再添一员,“不拥有任何物业” 的沪上阿姨把握几何?