高盛看人形机器人:AI 超预期、一年降本 40%、未来需求看制造业工人和老年人护理摩根士丹利策略师:美债利率逼近重要技术位 将对美股构成考验Top 5 HK Stock Gainers/Losers (>100B) (3.18)Top 10 HK Stock Losers (3.18)Top 10 HK Stock Gainers (3.18)盒马 CEO 侯毅正式退休Does Pinduoduo always experience a significant drop after its Q4 financial report?行情持续之久前所未见 英伟达连续第 10 周上涨高盛:美股对 AI 乐观情绪高涨 但认为尚未出现科技泡沫《季绩前瞻》券商料美团上季经调整溢利升逾 2.5 倍 聚焦营运指引及社区团购策略US Stock Options | Tesla's trading volume fell sharply to 2.45 million contracts! NVIDIA "counter-trend rise" continues to be hot阿里电商杀了个 “回马枪”本周 FOMC 焦点:6 月会不会降息?今年还能降息三次么?今年跌超 20% 的拼多多,股价有望反弹 78%?风口上的 “小英伟达”?300 亿芯片独角兽 Astera Labs IPO,投资人赚了 150 倍Financial Report Preview | HBM's fundraising ability is at its peak! Will the latest performance boost Micron Tech's stock price?Apple Stock Stuck In Neutral? Analyst Says Sales Inch Up, But Growth Concerns LingerReport: Apple is in talks with Alphabet-C to embed Alphabet-C Gemini into the "AI version of iPhone"2024 Financial Report | Holding ample cash but still "stuck" in dividend distribution, BAIYUNSHAN PH suspected of being voted out by the marketWeekly Tech Stock Roundup: Tesla continues to plummet, JD and Xiaomi-W lead the way with significant gains!抖音、美团,必有一战Market Insight | How to view the rebound of Hong Kong stocks last week?英伟达 CUDA 护城河,到底有多深?Electric vehicle stocks, just a dream?美银:上调台积电美股目标价至 155 美元 料结构性先进节点的需求将更强劲重磅展望出炉! “华尔街预期风向标” 高盛押注日本央行周二取消负利率AI Summit! NVIDIA GTC Conference: Great Expectations, Can B100 Handle the Scene?Hong Kong Stock Market Update: XPENG-W surged over 5% as it is about to launch a brand new model. The intelligent driving flagship model is set to officially hit the road in the second quarter.马斯克突然开源 Grok:3140 亿参数巨无霸,免费可商用Wall St Week Ahead-Fracturing 'Magnificent Seven' trade puts spotlight on megacap valuationsCracks In Tesla's Armor? Bearish Analyst Shares Value Investor's Take On Why Wall Street's 'More-Than-A-Car-Company' Thesis Is Flawed中金:日本央行政策调整七问七答《新股消息》百乐皇宫今起招股 一手入场费 2,626.22 元理解市场 | 特斯拉暴跌实是 “抄底良机”?Understanding the market | Wall Street's logic in trading US stocks has undergone a significant change! Why?马斯克开源 Grok-1:3140 亿参数迄今最大,权重架构全开放,磁力下载A 12-fold increase in one year! "AI's most promising stock" Super Micro Computer will be included in the S&P index today.FSD V12.3 大规模推送在即 将引入神经网络新股公告 | 百乐皇宫今起招股 预计 3 月 26 日上市 引入向上国际科技作为基投认购 7000 万港元的发售股份Breakfast | NVIDIA is preparing to welcome the Federal Reserve meeting, TENCENT, Pinduoduo, and other earnings reports.靠 AIGC 翻身,又遇比特币大涨,蔡文胜的美图「赌赢」了?八折买黄金首饰,可能么?Bullish voices are constantly heard! Binance's new CEO: Expects Bitcoin to break through $80,000 amid continuous inflow of ETFs