美联储如期按兵不动,暗示明年或降息 75 个基点(附声明全文)Powell turns "dovish" and acknowledges that inflation is declining给市场送圣诞大礼?美联储意外放鸽 维持关键利率不变 预计明年至少降息三次一文看全鲍威尔 12 月新闻发布会全要点美联储官员预计 2025 年将再降息四次The Federal Reserve is expected to cut interest rates by 75 basis points next year, causing a rise in US stocks, US bonds, and gold, while the US dollar takes a dive.Goldman Sachs warns again: Regardless of how the stock market performs next week, CTA will sell S&P 500 futures.Continued cooling! US core PPI in November slowed down to 2%, exceeding expectations and reaching a new low in nearly 3 years.需求大爆炸!甲骨文 CEO 坦言无法满足大客户:“马斯克想要更多英伟达芯片!”Liu Qiangdong has not yet turned against his brothers.The Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank are here this week to prove us wrong.SINOHOPE TECH issues profit warning, expecting a net loss of no less than approximately HKD 280 million for the year.Copper, which used to have sufficient supply, suddenly started to become scarce?The heavyweight "Triple Witching Day" in the US stock market is here! A record-breaking $5 trillion options are about to make a decision.新增 ADC 全军覆没!1 类新药成功率 92%,续约基本原价,罕见病药破新高,直击 2023 药价谈判成绩单发布小米汽车有望月底发布,一文了解最全标的越南股市即将迎来反弹?瑞银:明年弱复苏,后年强复苏Why does the positive impact of the Federal Reserve's pause in interest rate hikes outweigh the impact of rate cuts on the stock market?Beware of stepping on landmines! US stock analysts have selected 10 "bear stocks" for next year.From "hoarding rats" to "hoarding monkeys", the performance risks of Pengli Biology's IPO on the Science and Technology Innovation Board remain to be resolved?A new vehicle purchase tax scheme has arrived. Will NIO-SW become the biggest winner? | Insight ResearchTesla humanoid robot Optimus second generation unveiled! It walks faster, weighs lighter, and effortlessly holds eggs.Where is the "safe haven" in the US stock market? Goldman Sachs: Buy these, sell these next year!手机能跑!微软小模型击败 Llama 2,96 块 A100 GPU 训练 14 天,参数规模仅 27 亿小米股价为何一度涨超 3%?美股明年初可能暴跌 15%!为什么却是抄底好时机?遭 “神车” 砍单后,幂源科技带伤冲击港股 IPO美股走势为何平淡?都怪期权!香港金管局:比特银行(BitGinko)未获授权在港开展银行业务Tesla's "trash-talking" comes at a high cost! It is rumored that the company's advertising sales this year will decline to around $2.5 billion, falling short of internal targets.Japan plans tax breaks for 10 years to boost EV, chip production - NikkeiApple, Huawei, and Xiaomi - The Three Kingdoms of Mobile Phones大批空姐转行新势力卖车,月入 10 万?年化 18%!此刻,段永平正在用期权抄底阿里UBS: Interest rate hike? The Bank of Japan is not in a hurry, let's wait until April next year to discuss it.Vision Pro 发售或提前,零件国产化程度高,华为可能也有动作Apple has launched a training program for its retail store employees, bringing Vision Pro closer. Meanwhile, the rise of the Chinese VR "fruit chain" is on the horizon."Wood Sister" Escaping the Peak? Ark Sells GBTC and Coinbase in Sync with Bitcoin's Sharp Decline甲骨文收入增长不及预期,“AI 奈飞” 盘后股价大跌ChatGPT 越来越懒,都学会反过来 PUA 人类了XIAOMI-W calls out Yu Chengdong: "The accusation of plagiarism on the 'Dragonbone Pivot' is unfounded, let's not tarnish our peers."美商务部长:正与英伟达讨论对华销售 AI 芯片问题购物者在拼多多 Temu 上使用时长接近亚马逊等主要竞争对手的两倍“当天赎回当天用钱”,“快赎” 类产品走俏理财市场TikTok's cumulative revenue reaches $10 billion, all from user tips!84 亿美金,百利天恒打破中国创新药出海新纪录!| 见智研究AI's biggest benefactor, making 35 transactions in a year, not as a VC, but as: NVIDIA!