* 大和降阿里目标价至 108 元 下调第三财季收入增长预测This year has already seen a 9% increase, and NVIDIA is still the most bullish large-cap stock in 2024.亚市早盘:亚洲股市涨跌互现 日本股市续创阶段新高美 SEC 前地区主管:“假官宣” 事件将为加密货币爱好者提供口实董宇辉新账号首播 GMV 超过 1 亿元人币 单场涨粉近 300 万港股概念追踪 | 开年掀起开工潮!多地敲定重大项目 基建投资增速或将延续回升态势 (附概念股)"AI on PC", Intel CES vows to counterattack NVIDIA and Qualcomm解读公司 | 字节为什么显然被低估了?港股概念追踪 | 重磅!阿尔茨海默病新药在华获批 药物研发、诊断产业链值得关注 (附概念股)Breakfast | SEC social media account hacked, causing massive cryptocurrency liquidation, Bank of America customers flee US stocks with over $2 billion.Beware of "Black Swans"! Bank of America lists the "Top Ten Unexpected Events" to watch for in 2024.币圈大乌龙!美国 SEC X 账户被盗,并发布比特币 ETF 获批虚假推文Samsung Electronics issues profit warning, chip stocks under pressure, S&P falls, NVIDIA hits new all-time high, Bitcoin surges and then plunges after ETF drama黑客 “假传圣旨” 宣布现货 ETF 获批,比特币拉升后跳水超 2000 美元Google CES officially announced its partnership with ByteDance, allowing Android phones to play short videos on computers in the future.Multiple airlines have discovered more loose Boeing aircraft parts. Regulatory authorities say that the investigation may expand to more aircraft models.Consumer Electronics Spring Festival CES adds fuel to the fire with AI: Alibaba's upgraded version of intelligent procurement assistant debuts实时市场-2024 年伊始,卖空者获得 "丰厚 "回报用 PS5 手柄开车,撑不起索尼的造车梦"Investment" or "Acquisition"? Microsoft and OpenAI caught the attention of the European Union's antitrust agency.现货 ETF 获批进入倒计时,比特币价格盘整回调Pre-market US stocks | JD leads the decline in Chinese concept stocks, Dada Nexus surges! ByteDance sells to TENCENT?Understanding the IPO Prospectus of Moxi Ice City with One PictureDada Nexus plunges 45%, could it be the next 40-fold Luckin Coffee?MEITUAN's short-selling data surges!Rating Quick Look | NVIDIA, TENCENT "Preferred"! "Buy"! BABA-SWR target price lowered蔚来 2024 年开年内部信:用好投资者的每一分钱Zhitong Hong Kong Stock 52-Week High and Low Statistics | January 9th蜜雪冰城冲击 IPO 风险大 美团、高瓴坐不住了字节跳动游戏业务究竟会出售给谁?2024 年度核心主题:全球央行集体转向降息八款应用对比,看 AI 眼中的上海 “繁花” 世界Is there a "mole" in JD Dada?US Stock Options | Verizon, AT&T's trading volume skyrocketed! Even crazier than Nvidia and Tesla!读完苹果 42 页的专利,我找到了 Vision Pro 的杀手锏美团到店总裁张川:今年到店之战关键在「天天低价」澳门赌厅大鳄洗米华案细节披露!Understanding the Market | Why is Amazon's stock price expected to reach a new all-time high?消息称中国电商巨头 Shein 年收入 “远超过” 300 亿美元 击败老牌零售商大华继显:下调港交所评级至 “持有” 目标价降至 300 港元亚市午盘:亚洲股市上涨 芯片股走强